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wonderful, simply wonderful ... keeps me breathless ... thank you,, for providing the pictures ...
once again your way of assembling figures together with natural material and having a fascinating water-colour background ... well, from now on I will regard you as a three (not: tree) - dimensionable painter ... that's perfect, Master ... so you spent your time well in those quiet days between Christmas and New Year's Day ... thank you again.
As for hard jobs you mentioned ... indeed there are some ... "The Tree will know" you said, and he knows about that.
Huoommm ... Arthadan, as for them trees Master is perfect with his arts in water-colour.
Those trees added to the diorama you can find everywhere in your garden (the ones with the lichen you mean?) ... I prefer those 'hibiscus' to provide me with such pieces ... though it takes some time until lichen and spore decide to produce ... rhuoommm ... not less than about 5 years ... anyway ... it's worth it (by now I have a nice collection of lichen and moss)
The easiest way is to take a walk in a forest and find things ... that's all there is about ... huoom
Fantastic job as ever and yet again the subtle background painting pulls it all together. Thanks for sharing.
have you thought about sending all these painted images to Michael at the Mithril web site for inclusion in the Fans gallery section (Thingol and others as well) as I'm sure that visitors looking will be amazed at what can be done with MM's.
Yes, Master Arthadan, Master Theobald is completely right in what he mentioned. The source for those trees is: REAL NATURE.
There is nothing better as real natural material!
I prefer taking a turn in the woods with my wife on sunday afternoons- usually during the cold-times, as today. Puuh, it was cold outside! Time for a hot chocolate . . .
These lichens you will find near creeks and ponds. You don´t have to wait 5 years, they already exist . . .
But believe me, also in this case the Tree is right!
Well, as far as Mr. Daines concernes: I am already there, in the fan painting-section of the homepage of the company we trust in-since 8 years-!
But not under this curious name- unfortunately.
You have to know my real name . . .It´s not that difficult!
Thank you very much, gentlemen, as mentioned: time for the hot chocolate . . .
Oops! I think I forgot those images as I tend to look for new names on that forum. Enjoy that hot chocolate, but you deserve something much stronger for the pleasure of seeing your work.
... and drying the liches ... huoommm ... thanks for your compliments, Master ... a turn in the woods is something good ... there's so much that can be found there ... and of course you won't have to wait 5 years for that ... ... I just was talking about the lichens in my garden ...
they're about 35 years by now and still do provide a good quality ...
rhuoomm ... hot cocoa with a top of whipped cream, slightly covered with grated dark chocolate ... huoomm ... then a wee dram of that Islay-liquid put into it ... hom ... yes, that's what I will do now ... good idea, Master ....
What a magnificent diorama my friend.. It looks so real that I could imagine my own adventure through your pictures... I was asking my self when we would see some of your great work... and finally... after tons of snow a front of your house something else has come on public
it is a great pleasure to se such a master piece.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What incredible work.
I adore your dioramas.
They ooze atmosphere and they all have a little story. Wonderful.
speechless! i am speechless... Wish I could do such great work myself I definitly lack the necessary art... imagination, place... and time ...
Thanks for your answer! I'll do some research next time I have the chance to go for a walk in a forest. How do you dry the lichens?
Master Arthadan, the lichens dry themselves. Sometimes a little bit of wood-clue is necessary, but not usually . . .
Again gentlemen, thank you for your friendly comments.
Dear friend, few minutes ago I bought 3 trolls on they have 20% discount on all The Hobbit influenced figures... so as your pictures really affected me, I decided to try to paint trolls just like you did... You have give me inspiration
for special kind of art work... I will try to make a copy of your work.... Master !
You are more than welcomed, dear mithril friend from Croatia, more than welcomed . . .
But: don´t make just a copy. Put something of your own soul inside . . . I am curious about the result . . .
Thanks..... master elf... I hope soon I will able to present you my painting work... with Bert, Tom and William..... made of stone.... with something of my own soul inside.... ....
and your CD will go to Gremany tomorrow
Ahhh- I remember I am waiting for something . . . If it is again your beloved wife going to postoffice, give my regards to her . . .
Just being busy in fulfilling my Moria-project. My never ending project- working on it many years. There is still much to do.
An important step for finishing is the cavetroll-scene, being a central part of the whole Moria-dio.
And yes, the chain will have an end . . .
Im so much exited about this project !!!!!!!!!! As I have seen picture before.... new Moria will be spectacular diorama.... ouuuhhhh ! an finally this Cave Troll of the Under-deeps are superb.... in expecting of new pictures..........
Very nice Troll!!
Oh yes, Master Estel, me too. Especially for that reason that I found a solution of what we have discussed last year.
You remember the "bases-problem" of the orcs? Last year- oh my goodness. Time flies quickly . . .
Well, that chain idea pleases me a lot, because this scene (being part of the whole one) is a very important one (of the whole one)
Kind of an eye-catcher in a special part of the diorama . . .
This was the concept:
So, you saw the finished Troll, the orc is also painted, just put them together . . . That will take time, as everybody will assume . . .
Last edited by (Sun, Feb14 2010 10:51pm)
Very interesting....
Waiting to see more!
mmh, I don´t want to bother you neither with whitchkings and standart-beares nor orcish people . . . not at all . . .
BUT: I am painting these orcish people in the meanwhile to reach the finish-point of my Moria-diorama- after thirty years or so.
AND: I fell in love with this one: what a marvellous orc! There is soo many details to discover when painting this guy . . .
Last edited by (Thu, Feb18 2010 10:56pm)
Oh, you have to know: of any mithril miniatures I am proud of to poss there exists a 360° overview . . .
What a great orcish figure this is . . .
Last edited by (Fri, Feb19 2010 9:08am)
....every day, comes more good news from Mirkwood.... expected... or not... this is one of the best shield created by your infinite imagination... inspiring.... and yes...soon whole Moria will be photographed in 360° overview.... he !
More Orcish goodness! Your Moria project looks most promising, I can't wait to see the whole thing