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#151 Wed, Feb23 2011 11:46am

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: works

perfect, Master Turambar, perfect as ever .... err, not only the trees, of course lol



#152 Wed, Feb23 2011 1:21pm

From: Indiana, USA
Registered: Mon, Feb4 2008
Posts: 458

Re: works

Very Nice!



#153 Sat, Feb26 2011 12:30pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

Thank you so far.

It is not only necessary to do some test paintings, but also to do some test "base-works" for the diorama of the White Council .
The choice of materials, the choice of colours, the thought of being disqualified . . .
Another side effect. In this case a finished base. At this state of progress without figures still.

Click to close

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#154 Sat, Feb26 2011 8:23pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: works

Here it is..... ! Picture of long awaited diorama lol

Last edited by Thingol (Sat, Feb26 2011 8:23pm)

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#155 Sun, Feb27 2011 6:25pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: works


Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#156 Sun, Feb27 2011 9:42pm

Skilled Artisan
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 1958

Re: works

I must have missed this, fantastic work, the grey's and blues of the figure and groundwork are complimented by the yellows and greens of the trees.

I like the look of the other piece as well wink , nice use of a figure on the pedestal.



#157 Mon, Feb28 2011 9:52am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

It is, Master Nikolai, it is! In this case concretely: Rivendell. Master Elrond and sweet Arwen are missing . . . still on the cork.
Thank you guys. smile

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#158 Wed, Apr13 2011 8:59pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

That Rivendell diorama is finished-at last. On one side it is a side-product of The white council.
BUT- the concept is from early 2006 ! Took quiet a time so far . . .
So this base is a bit expressive- a bit-massive-voodoo-style . . .  cool
Rivendell is one of my absolutely favourite sets. I really love the imagining of this peaceful place. I hope you will like it.

Click to close

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#159 Wed, Apr13 2011 9:53pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: works

............... ??????? .. no words ...
the way you made and present this special scene from Tolkien's writings, which implies a lot of visualized thoughts and feelings of that great fantasy by Tolkien, simply is extraordinary ....
as I'm still watching that vignette here and reading your comment ...
I'm glad you did not haste, before that superb "vignette" was finally finished ....
.... extraordinary I said ... and it's a marvel
thank you very much for providing this



#160 Thu, Apr14 2011 8:16am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: works

Sprachlos! cool

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#161 Thu, Apr14 2011 8:23am

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: works

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cool

You shall contact Peter Jackson lol

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#162 Thu, Apr14 2011 10:06am

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: works

I'm waiting for this work from our first friendly correspondence... so dear friend... now "you know what to do"... on my e-mail smile

Thanks for this magnificent work.... and all inspiration !

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#163 Mon, Apr18 2011 10:54pm

From: California
Registered: Fri, Apr3 2009
Posts: 257

Re: works

Turambar wrote:

Mithril friends, thank you very much.
And Master Arthadan has got the right view. Who has thought about anything else . . .
Yes, this contrast is not by chance . . . cool

Click to close


And here we find you feasting and idling - and smoking! Smoking! Where did you come by the weed, you villains? - Gimli



#164 Mon, Apr18 2011 10:55pm

From: California
Registered: Fri, Apr3 2009
Posts: 257

Re: works

Turambar wrote:

That Rivendell diorama is finished-at last. On one side it is a side-product of The white council.
BUT- the concept is from early 2006 ! Took quiet a time so far . . .
So this base is a bit expressive- a bit-massive-voodoo-style . . .  cool
Rivendell is one of my absolutely favourite sets. I really love the imagining of this peaceful place. I hope you will like it.

Click to close

Double Wow!  smile

Two stunning dioramas.  Keep it up!

And here we find you feasting and idling - and smoking! Smoking! Where did you come by the weed, you villains? - Gimli



#165 Tue, Apr19 2011 9:07am

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: works

....yes please..... Keep it up!

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#166 Tue, Apr19 2011 10:51am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

Thank you George ! I try keeping it up.

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#167 Tue, Apr19 2011 2:55pm

From: California
Registered: Fri, Apr3 2009
Posts: 257

Re: works

It's nice to know that I can see a wonderful diorama every time I come back to this site.

Cheers Christoph!

And here we find you feasting and idling - and smoking! Smoking! Where did you come by the weed, you villains? - Gimli



#168 Sun, Oct16 2011 10:40am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

So, I told here somewhere else something about re-restoring the Rohan-diorama. All legs of the horses are broken after years
and it was a real pity to see this. The former diorama looked like this:

Click to close

Of course there are NO pictures of the broken state. Too much shocking this was.
So I strip off the old colour inclusiv the primer and painted all figures and horses again.

Click to close

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#169 Sun, Oct16 2011 10:47am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

I modified some figures a little bit. The helmet of M28:

Click to close

I never agreed with the sword of M30 .
Master Arthadan gave me an inspiration of a special shiled detail, I picked that up and gave the banner-bearer a shield.

Click to close

Click to close Click to close

You already know about the last conversion. It was our beloved Forest Warden I dealt a spare M004 with nad I was very happy indeed:

Click to close

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#170 Sun, Oct16 2011 10:57am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

At the mentioned DUZI last year I found a socket made out of a walnut tree.
That seemed to be the perfect socket for the diorama. I modelled somekind of a landscape, put some rocks too and painted the base directly:

Click to close
Click to close

I hope I didn´t make any mistake. I didn´t cut anything off the horses´legs and hide the pins with grass from "federicus-rex".
I liked this grass that much, that I turned and made the decision to cover the whole base with it.

Click to close

The horse seems to be a conversion as well. I have to thank Master HSF at this place for his unbelievable support !!!!!! big_smile

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#171 Sun, Oct16 2011 11:00am

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: works

So- finally- I don´t want to bother you too much. The  NEW Rohan diorama- let´s call it: "warg hunt" looks like this:

Click to close

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#172 Sun, Oct16 2011 11:01am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: works

Bloody fantastic! tongue
One great work after

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#173 Sun, Oct16 2011 11:03am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: works

I'm glad I'm not the warg nor the orc! lol

Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Oct16 2011 11:03am)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#174 Sun, Oct16 2011 12:42pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: works

here's a tree left speechless ... awesome that is, or genial, err, or ...



#175 Sun, Oct16 2011 8:05pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: works

Turambar wrote:

So- finally- I don´t want to bother you too much. The  NEW Rohan diorama- let´s call it: "warg hunt" looks like this:

Click to close

You know what dear friend... ! smile you know what to do with this picture.... in high resolution smile of course smile T _ _ _ _ _ in advance !

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



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