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Once again you did a good job, Master Gildor. Thank you. No need to excuse, and as for our purses we'll see. Maybe I could get some more coiny-things if I asked Master Barliman for regularly cleaning those wargskin-doormats ... though, I'm not sure about any success.
Thanks Gildor, I just updated my MMP collector Database.
If you need help for such updates in the future, I can help if requested.
Last edited by Milo (Sun, Apr21 2013 3:58pm)
Gildor Inglorion wrote:
It's been a while since I had any activity on this community , both forums, database, functionnalities... and I apologize
I have so many matters to attend at the moment and the twins are not born yet
I know that in some months many new figurines will see the light of day both from Mithril and from Phaeton and that may be quite problematic for everybody's purse but at last there'll be matter at hand...
Thanks for all Master Gildor, with your twins time your free time will be much more valuable. And we will need to know to appreciate it more.
And about many of new Mithril and Phaeton figures.... uf, puf pant... that's all....
I think that this is now the only place to see a list of upcoming releases.
which makes my work even more complicated as I have to hunt down info if I am "late"
just updated the GF chronology (first post)... but I observe that Mithril is quite late in their release and unless they release two or three figurines per month.... for quite some months it will be hard to get back on their schedule...
9 figurines late.... that's not often...
and in any ways, it will be hard for our wallets
This year I bought so far never less figurines ever..... but it seems that this fact will soon change it.....
updated the chronology, including some info Chris provided me about the work in progress... We can see that, on the sculpting part, Chris is almost up to date and that also means Mithril should release future releases regularly, maybe two each month for a couple of months...
well I also took the time to complete the database, at last it is up to date and even took some advance : complete until MS593 (and PM6 has been added too)
Thank you again, Gildor, for taking your time to update the chronology again. - Though, as for the pic of the "Destroyer"-Vignette you used a pic which reveils the vignette as it was taken by The Man in a state before being casted. You will see what I mean when you have a closer look at "Thor's" right arm.
And yes, indeed, I'm also looking forward to the future Phaeton-Design releases as I can clearly guess what they will be. And of course The Man's current project he's working on at the moment seems to be very promising and interesting. - Sorry, I'm just in a mood to tease a bit.
Merci Christophe
I udpated my collector Database. I own 1111 minis
Last edited by Milo (Sat, Sep21 2013 12:15pm)
10 out of ten is a great compliment, Master Milo. I can very well agree with that.
Though ... I just had a look at the database again. There I read that Thor is using a mace, which is incorrect. It's a hammer. In northern mythology Thor always used a hammer to strike down the flashes of lightning onto the world. We know Thor here as Donar. And besides, I'm sure that Master Tolkien was very much aware of those northern mythologies, as he took that as one of his sources for creating his fantastic world.
Theobald: there is no hammer in the list of weapons for the database as mace is intended to fit all kinds of "blunt weapons" (you won't see hammer in the list and no mithril figurine with an "actual" hammer, have it written hammer but mace in its place... Still I perfectly know it is a hammer, it's just a technical limitation...
that's something I should change for all the database and not the PM6 only (the same is true for "pike" being used for all kinds of spear/pike/javelin weapon....)
as for the pic, that's the only official pic i have, the left hand is indeed different but thats the official pic provided by Chris and the same one used on the Phaeton site
I just realised that sepcial "Female Sylvan Elf Herbalist" should come as MS600.
Very special release for celebrating 6th hundred !
MS600... Mithril should give this figure to mrs. luthien4tinuvielle for free !
I hope soon we will also have free bonus figure.....
Last edited by Thingol (Sat, Sep21 2013 8:10pm)
Well, #600 might be reserved for a special (not that MS isn't special) figure . . . Or it might not. . . .
I just updated the chronology and saw something quite odd/funny along with another thing quite pessimistic
1) the 100th suggestion of the Gold Fellowship is... the Old woman feeding chicken.... maybe it is an omen of a good sign of humility... I found it ironic
2) Mithril is currently VERY late in releasing figurines... they are almost ONE FULL YEAR late (we are still waiting for march 2013 and november 2012 even, which won't be ready until at least January 2014)
1) the irony is only sometimes healthy 100th suggestion should be something more attractive....
2) no comment any more....
It looks like the Christmas figure is not updated yet.
This is because of the delay, Master shady T.
The company isnĀ“t able to ship a single figure in time knowing about the special circumstances nearly 12 months before,
and our dear Master elf is just conforming this . . .
I got my Xmas figure on saturday (order sent on december 4th).
Last edited by Milo (Tue, Dec24 2013 9:19am)
you're right I overlooked the addition of the christmas figurine! but as I am away from home i don't have access to my pics to edit them here ;( will just add the entry and update it later
100th suggestion : October 2013 : "Old Woman feeding chicken" (Submitted by submitted by Nino "Thingol" Luk)
Just to correct a small issue: the idea was submitted by sicania and illustrated by Thingol as he loves so much this suggestion.
Last edited by Mornedhel (Thu, Feb6 2014 8:56pm)
Mornedhel wrote:
100th suggestion : October 2013 : "Old Woman feeding chicken" (Submitted by submitted by Nino "Thingol" Luk)
Just to correct a small issue: the idea was submitted by sicania and illustrated by Thingol as he loves so much this suggestion.
Master Gildor
Do you min if take up the "Mithril and the Fellowships Chronology" and update the list?
sure thing but you'd need to be a moderator of the whole prancing poney (including the taproom) to do so I think, is it ok for everybody?
(in the meantime I just added the last three entries)
On a side note I made a statement on the official forum on march suggestion thread.... things cannot carry on like that, I agree with Theobald
Ok mithril health is at its lowest, I have not even had news from Chris and Phaeton... I hope there is nothing bad that happened but I have my own problemes to handle
but that makes me realistic... carrying on the GF suggesting is a lure at the moment, Mithril has to get back on their delays...
Some figurines were announced to be released soon but they are STILL not for sale, that's becoming a pure madness to manage a figurine budget in this context !!