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Well, I’ve now seen it!
I’m not even going to attempt a review this is just my personal view of what I thought of the film – as not everyone will have seen it I don’t want to be too specific on details.
I think overall I enjoyed the film albeit some characters/scenes are given all too brief appearances which I would hope get a bit more fleshed out in the extended DVD. I also think that given PJ’s comedy touches he could have included a certain scene from the book that takes place in Mirkwood, but is missing from the film. Some of the other deviations from the book didn’t bother me overmuch, not sure of the need for some, but not film spoilers at the end of the day, I even enjoyed some.
My main disappointment comes within the Lonely Mountain - I was left a bit bemused by this part of the film. It starts off looking quite promising but I really could see no point to how PJ has offered this to the audience, and personally feel that he could have built up a great feeling of suspense for what is to follow by sticking a damn site closer to the book itself and not in the way he handled it!
For me this took away in part the enjoyment of Smaug revealed; I just felt it to be pointless and beyond believable (I know this is fantasy but humour me) and didn’t do anything for me at all. This WAS where movie really moved away from the book and not in a good way.
I have avoided reading too many review spoilers so I didn’t know when the film would end, but I guess where it does end is at about the right place although I would maybe have taken it a little bit further had I been the director!
So what did I think? I have adopted a far more forgiving attitude towards The Hobbit films than I did for LotR, I wasn’t underwhelmed, but neither was I overwhelmed and where in the case of the LOTR trilogy I saw each film about 4-5 times at the cinema I might make a second outing, not more. We’ll see.
A very interesting statement here, Master Dave.
I saw the film on Friday and I have to think over a bit more what I have read here in your post . . .
... I share your opinion about PJ approaches to the fantasy genre and also to the comedy.. and also approach in accepting both films (LOTR and Hobbit)
... after the lake-town a way to the lonely mountain is taken utterly banal. I hope that in the extended version this part of the movie will have more sense connected with Tolkien interpretation of Hobbit... and in part of the chase dwarfs with Samug... when I think of ... urgggh ... still makes me sick and painful... poor weak dragon. he slept too long...Golden mega dwarf .... it just exceeds the limits of good taste. Other parts of the movie was fine...
. . . no spoiler please, Master Thingol . . .
Golden dwarf ???????????
.... when they open the mold full of gold to cover Samug with in the river of dissolved gold. The mold is in the form of golden dwarf.... I have not consumed any illegal substances, even scrumpy !
I'm going in 10min to cinema with my son to watch the movie again, in french this time.
Milo wrote:
I'm going in 10min to cinema with my son to watch the movie again, in french this time.
Beware of the huge dwarf's golden ax Apprécier le film .....
Last edited by Thingol (Sun, Dec22 2013 2:14pm)
What? Did someone say my scrumpy is legal? Well, we can't be having that – I shall have to change the recipe.....
please don't ... just a matter of a point of view that is, Master Barliman ... sorry for that ... in the Ent we might have our dear Master Cameosis (The Troll-lawyer) to decide upon that ... sorry, out of topic this was and is, indeed ... as for the others, enjoy that moovie thing ...
Well, today I've seen the movie. Overall I have to say that I liked it (mainly because I was already prepared). When everyone has seen the movie I will give my opinion with details ....
Hi Milo, if you survived the crash with golden dwarf, join me for breakfast in the Prancing Pony cheers !
. . . golden dwarf ?????????
Golden dwarf statue whose melting in river of lava on Samug's feet and in final all those gold cover him.. but he's emerged from the molten lava, poured gold out of his body and went to Laketown... I cannot belive that you did not see this dear Master Archer... this was the scene from the movie considered as bullshit for me. Luckily is one of the only....
. . . hääähhh . . . there was a golden dwarf . . . ??????????? Psssss, Master Thingol, don´t tell everybody here the details of the film you watched. There are people around who weren´t in the lucky position watching this . . .
Last edited by Turambar (Mon, Dec23 2013 2:04pm)
Have a look at post #627 Master of informations . . .
But others don´t . . .
Golden Dwarves ?????
so long you can see a Golden Dwarf, MAster Thingol, everything is alright.
It will become strange, when you see a Golden Barkeeper . . . eating a carrot . . .
Last edited by Turambar (Mon, Dec23 2013 8:55pm)
Turambar wrote:
so long you can see a Golden Dwarf, MAster Thingol, everything is alright.
It will become strange, when you see a Golden Barkeeper . . . eating a carrot . . .
Before I could be a golden barkeeper I'd need to have some gold....
Well, under that Christmas tree there was- beneath many other presents- THE ultimate present:
The book: The Desolation of Smaug: Chronicles: art and design.
Reading - and watching- this book very carefully I came to the oppinion, that the Extended Version
must be about ONE HOUR longer . . .
Still- I haven´t seen Master Thrain in Dol Guldur, and I remember well it was about the first trailer of "An unexpected journey" where he appeares . . .
There are many "holes" in the movie that could be developed in an extended version (Yes!, it seems incredible after doing three films one book! .....)
For example, in the Desolation of Smaug, I think you might see in the extended version the vision of white deer in the Black Forest, Gandalf-Thrain, the meeting, more images of the company with Beorn, riddles contest between Bilbo-Smaug, etc ...
P.D. Does everyone has seen the movie? Are the spoilers over? ......
Last edited by erchamion (Fri, Dec27 2013 9:34am)
We can´t wait for those you haven´t watched the film still . . . (though it is the Tree who doesn´t find the right direction to the next cinema . . . )
As far as I can remember there was this Bolg-creature introduced somewhere in 2012. For example inside the official Hobbit calendar.
Unfortunately I can´t remember to see this character in the movie . . .
( no- they don´t sell scrumpy inside the movie theater here where I live, which could explain many things . . . )
You're right - I don't remember seeing him in either film either (being an Orc with a beard makes him quite memorable - is it a Dwarf scalp and beard?). The background looks like Dol Guldur.