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the m80 leÅ¡ina(s), the m335 snaga(s) and the m78 razarač -- "leÅ¡ina" means "corpse," "snaga" means "strength" and "razarač" means "devastator."
Finerly we know what the names mean! Thanks Master Caneosis!
Well, as for this "brother" I like the shield very much as it fits nicely, also to the size of the figure. But the axe, isn't it a bit too large as for holding it in a single hand, though it's a Troll ?
A S T R E I N !
Genau bei diesem Troll verzweifle ich. und das ist der Grund, warum das Troll Diorama immer noch nicht fertig ist. Oh- I am writing in german . . . ? Sorry.
I always felt, that the pose of that Troll is a bit strange. Though the Troll is extraordinary. And I always wanted to convert that cleaver into an axe.
Your example with the round shield is overfantastic, Holger. I like also the (RIGHT) way he holds the shield! I bet, you have a spare one . . . !
But in this case I have the association of a sword! Of a long samurai-looking sword!
PS: the shield could also look a bit more raw. Maybe it is a bit broken somewhere. "Kampfspuren" so to say.
Very interesting thoughts from both of you. I don't thing the axe is to big, but I also had the thought to put a sword in his hand. Similar to the one I made for one of the Haradrim.
I think I can carve some battle scars into the shield. You are right Christoph, it looks like it just came out of a shop...
Yes, the Haradrim-sword would be the right one! I know we are talking ´bout the same one !
Last edited by Turambar (Wed, Feb9 2011 4:11pm)
After all it is the big brother and allowed to play with sharp things...
Al right then, I call it work in progress!
I agree with master ent, The shield is perfect, the axe maybe be too big. But this brother dererves a sister now !
Never heard of any troll woman though...???
How many of this magnificent trolls you have dear friend.... !?!?!?! We have seen here 5 of them....
The big guy has an excellent shield ...... !
Last edited by Thingol (Wed, Feb9 2011 8:45pm)
Nice Conversion! The shield is very well done!
finally someone thinks of equipping a troll with a shield! and a beautiful design to boot ... let's (t)roll!
Milo wrote:
I agree with master ent, The shield is perfect, the axe maybe be too big. But this brother dererves a sister now !
Never heard of any troll woman though...???
it's funny you mention it -- for a long time i've had plans for a number of troll conversions / expansions, including troll females and children -- and also some non-combat poses ... i'm in no hurry, but this is something i definitely would like to do one day.
Last edited by cameosis (Wed, Feb9 2011 11:01pm)
Lady troll walking with an baby troll in stone strollers watch the bats in a cave....
cooollll..... hoooooom
Thingol wrote:
Lady troll walking with an baby troll in stone strollers watch the bats in a cave....
cooollll..... hoooooom
Don't give me ideas!!!! I do have to many of them already and don't know when to make all of them....
Do troll women wear bra's?
MAybe I can keep my women troll idea for next march fellowship suggestion
You should exactly do this, Master Forest Warden. And you can be sure to win !!!!
Than Michael can propose " Theme - Lady creatures" for suggestions in next month" of March 2011....
And Milo´s winning Female Troll-figure will be available for 32.95 €.
Finished! Now he looks like a mean old killing machine!
Thanks for your comments! Very thankful!
Last edited by hsf62 (Thu, Feb10 2011 11:10am)
P E R F E C T !
That´s exactly what I thought of. I had a close view to my "original" Troll and don´t get to the point how you managed to cut his left arm . . .
AHHHHHHHH very scary one !
Turambar wrote:
And Milo´s winning Female Troll-figure will be available for 32.95 €.
As long as I suggest the winning one, I don't bother for my money
Master Turambar.
That was MAGIC!!!!
Just kidding of course.
The left arm I cut of up to the point where the troll wears that ring around his upper arm. You can either have the troll, or the arm. I decided to keep the troll and lose the arm. With my thin sawblade I cut of the shoulder/rest of arm with ring. Then I turned this part pointing towards the shield attached it and filled all the gaps wit plastic putty. Now comes the hardest part, the arm!
Take the arm of a M148, cut of the maze, drill a hole in the fist, fit a metal pin in this hole and then fit whatever weapon you think looks good to the hand. That took the longest!
Last edited by hsf62 (Thu, Feb10 2011 12:13pm)
Thank you for that explanation. I will have a further close look . . .
i have to write this in german: boah, watt is der geil!
milo, you can suggest the troll female -- then i'll join the fellowship and suggest the troll kids!
It's amazing what difference a different weapon and a few scratches on a shield can make!