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Number 3 will come soon!
Impressive ! ! !
.... please Master Caster can I shake a little your collection of Far Harad conversions with some Variag foot archer 2 x conversion....
I hope you like it... ( do you recognize some parts on second one.... ) !
Impressive !
Impressive- I would have said that aswell.
But in this case I say: absolutely professional, my friend! The first step into the right direction: east!
Another very nice Conversion!
Turambar wrote:
The first step into the right direction: east!
*from* the right direction: thingol is already in the east.
... definitely.... a bit.... I'm going eastward.... east not so far on east... or to far east .... thanks guys...
Last edited by Thingol (Fri, Apr8 2011 8:30am)
Hohoho, the Master Gardener becomes a Master Converter too!
Beautiful work!
... just to refresh this excellent topic... This is for our Master Caster who did not come here a long time ago.... come back here my dear friend.... !
So M146 separate figures ( M146 A & B - very rare ) converted with a drawn sword.... I hope you'll like it guys... !
Last edited by Thingol (Wed, Jul13 2011 8:34pm)
Ahh- it was the right time to have a look around here, meseems.
Great stuff, Thingol !!!
Very impressive. And you make a good point.....where is Master Holger these days? Spending more time than ever on FaceBook, methinks.
Better than the original!
A+ for idea and conversion!
Very good Master Thingol. Not only a green thumb for the garden, very skilled in converting also! I only can agree with Master Arthadan. "Better than the original!"
New Mithril conversion, nothing spectacular though. It's one of the warband orcs, wich originally had a silly pointy cap and was striking, with the blade sticked to the cap.
By the way, here you can see some more conversions of mine (not Mithril, but Middle-earth related). All of them are WIPs excepting this Orc and the punching Dwarf.
Very nice Thingol, and I agree with Arthadan and Master Caster, even better pose than the original!
Nice to see you again Holger.
And nice conversions Arthadan, even if not Mithril
Last edited by twrich (Sun, Jul17 2011 7:26pm)
hsf62 wrote:
A+ for idea and conversion!
Very good Master Thingol. Not only a green thumb for the garden, very skilled in converting also! I only can agree with Master Arthadan. "Better than the original!"
I'm happy because you like this conversion dear friend I'm getting better through time... I bought some rohan riders used without some weapons... and I will do some 4 new conversions with your little precious pieces of white metal
... and thanks for the compliments dear Master Twirch... Thank you very much !
Last edited by Thingol (Sun, Jul17 2011 7:50pm)
Great Master Arthadan ! Great idea ! I hope we would see it painted...
Nothing spectacular??!!
Well, it is a HOODED orc! And the regular- unique- hooded orc (to find also in this warband) is one of my All-Time Favourite-Orc!!!!
So, Master Arthadan: this conversion is ABSOLUTELY brilliant !!!!! Never ever thought about his possibility . . .
Well done! With your kind permission I will convert a similar one . . . some day.