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Master Arthadan, you made something special here...
The first thing coming to mind when I saw the picture was A Thief! Great I say, you captured the essence of a orc! Very well done.
Thanks everybody! I add him to the painting queue, but it's quite long at the moment.
Turambar wrote:
Well done! With your kind permission I will convert a similar one . . . some day.
Be my guest, Master Archer.
I also like that hooded orc a lot!
I think this is the right palce to show, what is behind the "Easterling foot archer":
The base was the M194. You have to cut the head and the feet:
Then you have to take the boots from the M193 , in this case the M193a
The most difficult part was preparing the head of the Woodmen Elder, theM91, hard to find and very precious . . .
I don´t have to cut the original Elder. Thank you my friend . . .
Last edited by Turambar (Sun, Jul31 2011 12:19pm)
Usually there should be a general project for converting miniatures.
It could look like this . . . just working on that project . . .
And now, Holger, we should have another drink at Barli´s place . . .
Quite a jigsaw - but excellently executed (not intended as a pun on beheading M91...)!
It's called the jigsaw puzzle for the advanced collector.....
Encouraging words from Master Barliman are always welcomed !
I think this is the first time he's commenting in this thread...
I don't have very much that's worth saying most of the time (so I'm told).
This is great dear Master Archer.... you should do this frequently... I think.. explain us your converting steps... ! I have made 2 conversions of 2 Rohan riders... and I hope soon I will made third... late this evening I will leave few pictures here....
Fine work, Master Archer!
Now you tempt us to all have more esaterlings home made !
Keep going, I like this very much Christoph !
Ok guys ! Against Easterling were fought and died some Rohan guys... so there are few of them angry, mounted, converted, crazy warriors... (I did it better and better Master Caster )
figures are ready to be painted.... not so god like figures of my dear friend Master Archer... of course..
First one is converted M30 with horse of M29 and with new sword, shield, bow on his back and thread that connects the saddle and left spur....
Last edited by Thingol (Sun, Jul31 2011 9:08pm)
...ok another one is M265 with axe in right hand, sword in his left hand, shield on left back on his horse, a little bit longer hair, and with inserted handle of the sword in its sheath.
Handled weapon with two hands like a true Easterling warrior
Another one is M28 but without lance.... it will be with royal standard / flag and with shield on his back... It could be Guthlaf was Théoden's banner-bearer before the War of the Ring
I need to shape his hands and it will be like M270 but with flag on another side...
So dear friends... I have all parts except the horse. If anyone can help I would be grateful.... I need horse in idle. Something like M26 or M269 or M270 - used....
Thanks in advance dear friends... I will pay through pay pal with some mithril coins
Last edited by Thingol (Sun, Jul31 2011 9:38pm)
.... and the end of my posts published here tonight ! I am obliged to show you photos of painted M146C rare separate horse and rider version.... with sword....
Thank you guys ( Master Caster, Master Archer... and others) for inspiration....
And I'm going now to drink something in the Pony... I hope I'll find someone there. I was thirsty from the placing of these images....
All very nice indeed, Master Thingol.....oops, sorry, I'd better get back to the Pony to fill your mug!
Nice work my friend!
I do have spare horses, I just have to check which onnes.... unpack the boxes..... I'll let you know
Fantastic riders Thingol !
MAster Caster, if you could have one M26 horse, that would be great for me.
Last edited by Milo (Mon, Aug1 2011 8:35am)
. . .he should have one . . .
Nino, these conversions look fantastic. I am looking forward the rider with the banner. Quiet interesting.
Converting a rohirrim for myself (thanks Milo and HSF at this place!) yours are a nice inspiration!
Last edited by Turambar (Mon, Aug1 2011 9:26am)
.. thanks friends... I'll paint those riders soon and I will publish a pictures here....
Sorry Milo, all the doubles of the Rohan horses are in Gernany now "on the cork..."
Last edited by hsf62 (Mon, Aug1 2011 10:16am)
Master Nino, I have 3 horses suitable for you. M142, M201 and M270. I guess M142 would be the better choice because 201 and 270 both don't have a saddle...
After all, it's you pick!