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I don't think it's Master Caster's fortress, just one he likes. Or am I wrong?
You are right Master Barliman! Just the one I like without the GW-things..... The fortress you can buy.
Master Ent, the Mithril I will use are collecting on my workbench and on shelfs..... As I said, I need a larger table.
Where can the fortress be bought? I imagine it's expensive.
Out of my head I can't tell, but I will look it up when I'm back from work. "A worthy man, but his memory is like a lumber-room: thing wanted always buried."
Nice Nice! ^^
Sorry Barli, can't find the link again (must have saved it in a save place)!
The only thing I could find on ebay was : … 2666433705
or you can built it yourself like Onyx...
or you can spend a fortune on these plaster moulds:
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jun6 2017 7:51pm)
Never mind - I wouldn't have been able to afford it anyway! But thanks for looking.
The Weta "environment" model is to a very small scale and consequently not suited to 28mm-32mm figures, while the Hirst moulds - though quite fun - are a bugger to work with (or so I found when I cast (and attempted to assemble...) a very small model a couple of decades ago.
Although with due care and attention I could probably build my own, I lack one vital attribute - I'm about as patient as an avalanche! That's why my ultimate solution would be to buy one that's ready-made. There are some out there, but whenever it comes to taking the plunge and buying one (on eBay or elsewhere) I've either lacked the money or chickened out - i.e. ackonwledged that (a) I'd be very poor thereafter, and (b) Mrs B would probably make me eat it.
Very quiet here on MMP. Time to put up some more finished conversions!
More for the battle!
even wulfriders..
more in progress...
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jun13 2017 3:57pm)
I especially like the pose of the guy on warg
Excellent conversions Master Holger
Agree wholeheartedly with the above comments!
Great conversions! We don't have much warg riders in the Mithril range (4 + the Salute figure I think)
Love the one on his feet, very dynamic! Your skill is awesome
Thanks guys, much appreciated!
Later today you might see more...
You're a small industry all by yourself....!
I was wrong. Looks like you're a large industry all by yourself.
LOL, not large but ongoing...
Dear Hsf62, you seem to be quite busy this weekend. And also very successful with transforming your ideas into real figures as well. Great it is and I enjoy having a look at those pics (though some of them are a bit small). -
But what for do you need all those conversions of half-orcs and warg-riders? I remember that those half-orcs have always been one of your passions. -
Anyway, just keep on, please.