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Very hot my friend!
or was it cool?
You want to know how the rest of the Harad conversions is going ?
May I provide another picture:
There are some modifications to do, still. Especially the shield is missing and the banner is listing a bit . . .
Ah, the Wisest of Ents and the Master of the Casts are already around . . . Thanks for your words.
I suggest to have a nice cup of Hot Chocolate in the pony, don´t you agree . . . ?
Hot Chocolate? I'm with you !!!
Thanks for this pictures again dear friend.... nice to see Farewell party from grandmas garden.... ouuuh it was great event
and comment for mounted Haradim.... from Master's from Mirkwood work ( green ) room.... I wish I have ideas like you.... awesome...
This topic would be source of magnificent inspiration !
Magnificient Christoph ! I am wondering how all these haradrims will look once all together.
And the hobbits...never saw so many since my uncle 80th birthday.
Last edited by Milo (Wed, Nov3 2010 10:07am)
Yes, Milo, I am wondering, too. Because I don´t have the final concept . . .
Still making my mind up about the surrounding: desert, ruins, columns, and so on . . . Too many things to decide.
You are right Master Tree! And patience is mainly important.
Though I am mostly a unpatient person . . .Maybe this is been recognized already.
I found calmness and patience in painting these wondefull miniatures that you and I really love.
And still, I am looking for a concept for those Haradrim . . .
A nice concept would be, these Haradrim attacking a caravan.....
about 8 camels loaded with goods lead by walking traders. 4 mounted and 6 guards on foot attacked by 6 mounted and 8 Haradrim on foot.
Nice big diorama!!! What do you think?
I think: this is "hammerhard" ! Absolutely overfantastic scene!
Question: 8 camels loaded with goods lead by walking traders ? Is it possible to realize it if there is a will . . . ?!
Where there is a will there is a.... I'm searching...
Slowly but surely rider and horse take the shape I had in mind....
sometime in the future it will be finished....
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Nov16 2010 1:33pm)
Well, I provided some pics from conversions by N.N. in the Haradrim army - thread elsewhere. Maybe the pics can be useful for inspiration about how those Haradrim could be converted.
I do not copy, I create my own vision Master Ent!
Nothing to feel sorry about my friend wisest of Ents. It is always great to see conversions form others to get some inspiration.
Without the pics you provided there wouldn't be 3 new conversions of mine. Thanks!
In a rather big style. This is awesome, Master of the casts. Really awesome!!!
You are showing the best of your skill ! I like that very very much.
Also the arms . . .
Thanks Christoph, maybe we should create this diorama together....
When I look at the figs you converted and the ones i did so far, I can see a nice set up of the nasty Haradrim attacking the caravan...
We should do that, for sure.
I send you the current state of work from home this evening . . . hold on!
LoL, I send you a mail... too.
I am soo glad to be a member here !
What an enlightenment.
I think both harad fan fellows here would love to buy these minis: