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#1 Fri, May4 2012 12:35pm

From: Luxembourg province, Belgium
Registered: Fri, Nov21 2008
Posts: 668

Your very first mithril story ... and landing on Middle Earth shores?

I am just wondering how Tolkien fan of yours first land on beleriand shores. So i began my mine with ... a very common chronicle roll.

In 1988 I was (i am in fact) a role playing gamer (paranoia, starwars ...) and student at university (very compatible activities along with drinking beers).  At this stage my readings were sc-fi oriented and I never opened a fantasy book so far.
My roommate requests me to fill in a vacant position in a MERP campaign as an arthedan ranger.  To embodied my persona I started to read the LOTR and go to a RPG shop to buy my first mithril.
Never stop since then ... 24 years ago


Last edited by Mornedhel (Fri, May4 2012 12:36pm)

Elen silla lumenn omentilmo



#2 Fri, May4 2012 12:54pm

From: Madrid - Spain
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 146

Re: Your very first mithril story ... and landing on Middle Earth shores?

Same year as me.  At that time I was a 12 year old shool boy that joined in a recess an already started D&D campaign. As the campaing was ongoing they chose the character for me. They told me that I should be a wizard named Gandalf. So I wrote down the name on my character sheet "Wandal", as that was what I understood. After asking they told me that that character was from a book called LOTR wich I started to read that same afternoon.

Never palyed a MERP campaing. I hope I can do it some day.

My first mithrils came as a Christams present that same year and the first ones I bought with my own money were while I was studing English at Southport, in the summer of 1990. And the last mithrils I bought were yesterday (Quite a large number of them)




#3 Fri, May4 2012 1:24pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Your very first mithril story ... and landing on Middle Earth shores?

I read Tolkien books when I was 12 I think.

When I was 14, I started to play wargames with neighbours kids, using some Citadel minis.
Then we made a day trip to Paris, visited a RPG shop called "l'Oeuf Cube".
There I saw for the first time mithril miniatures...Wow ! I just could not believe how realistic these were.

I bought for myself M6, M14, M15, M42, M46 and came back home saying "I give up all other mini".

Since that day, I'm an exclusive mithril customer....

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#4 Fri, May4 2012 6:32pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Your very first mithril story ... and landing on Middle Earth shores?

... there was a topic like this before... and there was no my story.... sad

but now....

I like Mithril because of those miniatures gives me free opportunity to imagine how could be Tolkien world of middle earth. I collect them since 1999 when I was discovered them accidentally in one shop in Zagreb. I did not buy than none of them because of I was in the army than. Few month later friend of mine has come to me with proposal that we change model of German fighter ME262 1:48 Monogram scale for 7 Mithril miniatures. When I saw those miniatures ( M147, M146, M124, M125, M132, M318 & M350 ) I was found my intent to collect as possible number of Mithril miniatures to complete my collection. It was love at second sight.  For me there was no doubt. Then I decided that I would slowly accumulate these figures in my collection, and since than I have all figures except few very, very expensive pieces that have only some of us here... smile and I have several thousand euros less in my account... but I'm more than happy...

I was try to find someone through some contacts, Croatien Tolkien societies, various forums but no results. Pity. In fact before I was doing lots of WW2 dioramas and won lots of medals in different competitions, but today I'm concentrate only for Mithril and 54mm of old history soldiers, knights etc.... In Croatia I was not able to buy any pieces of Mithril miniatures, except via Ebay or regular internet shop, so collecting this collection was quite difficult for me. Especially because it was not a single shop in the country who decided to fill part deals with the MERP program.

Only one man bought a part of the MC series and presented his shop to modellers (written above). It was the curse of the small Balkan state...

And today thanks to the some of you guys I'm here in place without any border.... smile with wooden shelf filled with great Chris Tubb's figures...

Last edited by Thingol (Fri, May4 2012 6:44pm)

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#5 Fri, May4 2012 6:33pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Your very first mithril story ... and landing on Middle Earth shores?

.... and yes... predisposition of all this collecting zealotry was a tremendous love for Tolkien's books....

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



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