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#1 Thu, Jan31 2008 12:45pm

Gildor Inglorion
Wandering Elf
From: Montpellier, France
Registered: Fri, Jan25 2008
Posts: 4098

Using the Profile abilities

As you may have seen there are several settings you can put in place in your profile section.

I encourage all of you to set up, at least, your "General", "Personal" and "Personality" tabs.

In them you can set your Time options (GMT +.. or -.. )  your language (I have put in place English, German and French possibilites) , but also your personal information (name, location and IF your are moderator also set your own title) , you can also fill information regarding your instant messengers (yahoo, msn, etc)  and in the Personality, you can choose to upload and display avatars.  These avatars are to be 60x60pixels and weigh no more than 10kb (I suggest a format similar to the one used for the Nob avatar)

If you have any questions regarding the profile options, please use the PM to contact me.

"Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill." (Gildor Inglorion, LOTR1)



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