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#51 Fri, Sep4 2020 1:03pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Bonjour à tous !
Tenez bon ! Des jours meilleurs approchent !
En attendant le mois de mai 2021, j'ai décidé d'occuper un peu mon temps libre à quelques projets figurinistiques et principalement aux Mithril. Pour  me refamiliariser de nouveau avec la peinture à l'huile, après avoir repris puis abandonné, je me lance dans une rééducation (la plus courte possible si je peins beaucoup) afin de pouvoir vous présenter (je l'espère, niark niark COVID) de belles saynètes de figurines peintes au TMM 2021.
Mon premier projet sera de mettre en couleur la figurine MS 534, achétée au printemps dernier lors de l'opération déstockage de PA Irlande.
Click to close
Je ne la connaissais pas. Elle fait partie des références que je n'ai pas achetées, m'étant éloigné des figurines Mithril dès la fin des années 90.
J'ai repéré cette nouvelle version d'Isildur sur le site Lost Mini Wiki [(merci Milo pour la mise à jour régulière des nouveautés Mithril), j'espère qu'en Mai 2021, vous m'aiderez à  mettre le pied à l'étrier pour que la rubrique Armageddon puisse être, aussi, complétée]. Elle m'a plu par sa simplicité et m'évoquait la saynète du Mithril Fellowship MS 226, peinte par Jacques. Cette fois-ci, Isildur a enlevé son casque et cela donne une dimension 3 D à la figurine qui n'est pas pour me déplaire.

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Après l'avoir décapée  (la sous couche grise est trop granuleuse ),  il ne me reste plus  qu'à passer au stade de l'ébavurage, et malheureusement, il y a du travail pour gommer toutes les aspérités et les défauts du moulage.  J'espère pouvoir la sous coucher ce week-end et pouvoir débuter la peinture dans les prochains jours. Mon schéma de couleurs est déjà bien en tête, puisque que je vais globalement m'inspirer  de celui de Jacques, avec les bleus qui le caractérisent tant pour la peinture des Elfes. Si tout se passe bien , j'enchainerais par une saynète mettant en scène un couple d’Elfes. Qui saura trouver la bonne référence ? Oui, je vous l'ai déjà dit, je suis joueur !
J'attends vos réponses.
Bon week-end à tous et portez-vous bien !

Good morning all !
Hold on tight ! Better days are approaching!
While waiting for the month of May 2021, I decided to occupy a little my free time in some figurinistic projects and mainly in Mithril. To familiarize myself again with oil painting, after having resumed and then given up, I am embarking on a rehabilitation (as short as possible if I paint a lot) in order to be able to present to you (I hope niark niark COVID) of beautiful sketches of figurines painted at the TMM.
My first project will be to color the MS 534 figurine, bought last spring during the PA Ireland destocking operation. I did not know her. It is one of the references that I did not buy, having moved away from Mithril figurines at the end of the 90s.
I spotted this new version of Isildur on the Lost Mini Wiki site [(thank you Milo for the regular update of Mithril news), I hope that in May 2021, you will help me get started. 'stirrup for the Armageddon section to be completed]. It pleased me by its simplicity and reminded me of the sketch of the Mithril Fellowship MS 226, painted by Jacques. This time, Isildur took off his helmet and it gives a 3 D dimension to the figurine which is not without displeasing me.
After stripping it and removing the gray undercoat, I just have to move on to the deburring stage, and unfortunately, there is work to erase all the roughness and defects of the molding. I hope to be able to put it down this weekend and thus be able to start painting in the days that follow. My color scheme is already well in mind, since I will be generally inspired by that of Jaques, with the blues that characterize it so much for the painting of the Elfs.

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If all goes well, I will continue with a sketches featuring a couple of Elfs. Who will be able to find the right reference? Yes, I told you before, I'm a player!
I await your answers.
Have a good weekend everyone and be well !

Last edited by Fabrice JACOB (Fri, Sep4 2020 1:23pm)



#52 Fri, Sep4 2020 3:32pm

Skilled Artisan
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 1958

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Enjoy the painting part of your project and I look forward to seeing the end result. Beautiful work on the miniatures painted by your departed friend sad



#53 Fri, Sep4 2020 7:08pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

As I told you many times before.... beautifully painted figures.. I'm always happy when I see such a nice choice of colors. And keep sending us more pictures, please...

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#54 Sun, Sep6 2020 4:42pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Salut les MithrilNautes !
Toujours aucun gagnant à ma petite devinette mais ce n'est pas grave.
Allez, pour vous encourager, le gagnant recevra une belle image de ce couple peint par Jacques. Jacques-Philippe Leroux  demeure pour moi Le peintre des figurines Mithril des années 90  !
J'ai découvert il y a peu, un comble, pour un dinosaure comme moi, un autre site Mithril que celui-ci, "Fan of Mithril Miniatures". C'est sur une page Face Book. Face Book que je n'ai pas, mais comme c'est un groupe public, je peux lire les commentaires et voir les photos. Merci au concepteur ! Quelques utilisateurs de ce site parlent du travail du peintre Elroy. J'avais déjà vu sur le site de certaines de ses réalisations et je dois dire qu'elles m'ont enthousiasmées. Il peint à l'acrylique et obtient de très beaux résultats dans ses fondus et ses contrastes. Vraiment, cela me plairait de pouvoir observer quelques une de ses Mithril peintes afin de constater de visu, le réel rendu de sa peinture (les photos sont quelque fois trompeuses).
Quelle joie s'il participait au Trophée Mithril !
Dans cette hypothétique perspective, je me suis dit que je devais élever mon niveau de peinture, afin de faire honneur à mon Maître ! Aussi  plutôt que d'attaquer la peinture d'un seul Isildur, pourquoi ne pas en faire un deuxième, dans la même veine ou avec quelques variantes et ainsi développer ma dextérité dans la peinture des Elfes, domaine réservé à Jacques, au plus fort de nos années Mithril Maniac. Pour ma part, je ne rechignais pas peindre les Orcs.
J'ai alors déniché la référence 272, celle où Isildur semble partir à l’assaut, épée à la main et casque sur la tête. C'est une très belle figurine, la pose est dynamique et il n'y avait sur mon tirage, que très peu d'imperfections. Le travail de préparation a donc été assez simple et rapide. Je vais pouvoir dès demain sous coucher ces deux versions d'Isildur et il me tarde maintenant de pouvoir commencer leur peinture.

Click to close

Hello MithrilNautes!
Still no winner in my little guesswork but it's not bad.
Come on, to encourage you, the winner will receive a beautiful image of this couple painted by Jacques. Jacques-Philippe Leroux remains for me The painter of Mithril figurines of the 90s!
I discovered recently, a shame, for a dinausaur like me, another Mithril site than this one, "Fan of Mithril Miniatures". It's on a Face Book page. Face Book which I don't have, but since it's a public group, I can read the comments and see the photos. Thanks to the designer! Some users of this site talk about the work of the painter Elroy. I had already seen on the site of some of his achievements and I must say that they filled me with enthusiasm. He paints in acrylic and obtains very beautiful results in his fades and contrasts. Really, I would like to be able to observe some of his painted Mithril in order to see first-hand the real rendering of his painting (the photos are sometimes misleading). What a joy if he participated in the Mithril Trophy.
In this hypothetical perspective, I told myself that I had to raise my level of painting, in order to do honor to my Master! So rather than attacking the painting of a single Isildur, why not make a second one, in the same vein or with some variations and thus develop my dexterity in the painting of the Elves, a domain reserved for Jacques, at the height of our Mithril Maniac years. For my part, I was not shy about painting Orcs.
I then unearthed the reference 272, the one where Isildur seems to go to the assault, sword in hand and helmet on his head. It is a very beautiful figurine, the pose is dynamic and there were very few imperfections on my print. The preparation work was therefore quite simple and fast. As of tomorrow, I'll be able to put these two versions of Isildur down and I can't wait to start painting them.



#55 Sun, Sep6 2020 8:11pm

Gildor Inglorion
Wandering Elf
From: Montpellier, France
Registered: Fri, Jan25 2008
Posts: 4098

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

well to answer your little challenge Fabrice, I used my own "advanced search engine", looking for "elves", in a "vignette". There is but one answer that matches the concept of an "elf couple" :  M240  Finduilas and Gwindor

Am I right?

"Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill." (Gildor Inglorion, LOTR1)



#56 Sun, Sep6 2020 9:00pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Mon cher Gildor, je suis vraiment ravi de vous retrouver ici. Vous avez parfaitement raison  et par là même, vous allez faire le bonheur de Thingol, qui va pouvoir contempler une nouvelle peinture d'Elfes, magnifiquement réalisée par Jacques.
Merci à vous et à très bientôt, je l'espère.

Click to close

My dear Gildor, I am delighted to have you here again. You are absolutely right and by that very fact, you will make Thingol happy, who will be able to contemplate a new painting of Elves, magnificently done by Jacques.
Thank you to you and see you very soon, I hope.



#57 Mon, Sep7 2020 8:24am

From: Barcelona, Catalonia
Registered: Thu, Mar6 2008
Posts: 572

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Fabrice JACOB wrote:

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Pure finesse.  I am almost sure now that some of his paintings inspired me to try to paint better when almost no internet was available. (only public access points or library). Because I recall his style and colours although I couldn't recall his name.

Regarding @Elroi he has a youttube channel where he shares his techniques, "unfortunatley" he paints mostly warhammer, but from time to time he releases some painted mithril miniatures.
His youtube:
His instagram: @elroi_101

I am sure that if you contact him, he will answer your doubts, because he, as most of us around,  still has a share of his heart devoted to mithril miniatures.

Last edited by Maenas (Mon, Sep7 2020 8:25am)

Mae govannen mellon nín.



#58 Mon, Sep7 2020 3:28pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

About Master Elroi, I am the lucky owner of some of his artworks. I will for sure bring these to next Trophée Mithril Maniac
Here is the link for Master Elroi's work I host:

Last edited by Milo (Tue, Sep8 2020 1:17pm)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#59 Mon, Sep7 2020 7:04pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Cher Master Maneas, tous mes remerciements pour les compliments sur la peinture de Jacques. Je sais qu'il aurait apprécié vos commentaires.
Lorsque nous avons créé Mithril Maniac, comme je l'ai déjà expliqué ultérieurement, nous souhaitions faire découvrir les figurines Mithril à la majorité des figurinistes et leur donner envie de nous rejoindre dans la quête de la belle peinture. Les deux peuvent se compléter merveilleusement.
Chris Tubb possède un don, celui de donner de la douceur à une grande majorité de ces créations, et pour certaines, la mise en couleur ne fait qu'accentuer cette poésie.
Jacques maîtrisait parfaitement la peinture à l'huile, les fondus de bleus nous faisaient baver, les linning, il jouait aussi beaucoup sur les contrastes, indispensables pour rendre visible les détails à cette échelle si spécifique.

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Merci Master Maneas pour les références d'Elroy.

Merci Master Milo de me permettre de pouvoir visualiser les talents de peintre de Master Elroy. Il me tarde de vous rencontrer  big_smile !

Dear Master Maneas, all my thanks for the compliments on Jacques painting. I know he would have appreciated your comments. When we created Mithril Maniac, as I already explained later, we wanted to introduce the Mithril figurines to the majority of figurines and make them want to join us in the quest for beautiful painting. The two can complement each other wonderfully. Chris Tubb has a gift, that of giving softness to a large majority of these creations, and for some, the coloring only accentuates this poetry. Jacques had a perfect command of oil painting, the blue fades made us drool, the linning, he also played a lot on the contrasts, essential to make visible the details on this specific scale.
Thanks Master Maneas for Elroy's references.

Thank you Master Milo for allowing me to be able to visualize the talents of painter of Master Elroy. I can't wait to meet you big_smile !



#60 Tue, Sep8 2020 2:06pm

From: Barcelona, Catalonia
Registered: Thu, Mar6 2008
Posts: 572

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Milo wrote:

About Master Elroi, I am the lucky owner of some of his artworks. I will for sure bring these to next Trophée Mithril Maniac
Here is the link for Master Elroi's work I host:

That thread is gold smile

Mae govannen mellon nín.



#61 Mon, Sep28 2020 7:15pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Hello Mithril nautes !
I come back to you with a new game : Who am I ?
I am progressing quietly on my Isildur (s) project but at the same time, I decided to paint another Mithril figurine, a monobloc, a reference which until then had never attracted my attention.
I'm trying a new color scheme, I'll let you discover it, from the back ...
Who can give me the reference of this figurine ?

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#62 Mon, Sep28 2020 9:33pm

Sam Wise
From: Chatellerault-Poitou-France
Registered: Sun, Sep16 2012
Posts: 330

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Fabrice JACOB wrote:

Hello Mithril nautes !
I come back to you with a new game : Who am I ?
I am progressing quietly on my Isildur (s) project but at the same time, I decided to paint another Mithril figurine, a monobloc, a reference which until then had never attracted my attention.
I'm trying a new color scheme, I'll let you discover it, from the back ...
Who can give me the reference of this figurine ?

Click to close

Nimhir The Regent M41 tongue

And I like this colour ! I used it several times  .... smile

"no fear to fight, no fear to loose, just want to have fun!" (anonymous)
feel free to visit my blog Sam's Minis World



#63 Tue, Sep29 2020 7:19am

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Well done Master Sam Wise !!!

Your presence here delights me. No post for a long time, i was wondering if COVID hadn't affected you  ?

Have you produced anything lately?

Posts in these places are becoming increasingly rare, would there be a certain danger in frequenting them ?



#64 Tue, Sep29 2020 10:34am

From: Barcelona, Catalonia
Registered: Thu, Mar6 2008
Posts: 572

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Beautiful orange colour. smile

Mae govannen mellon nín.



#65 Wed, Sep30 2020 4:06pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Hello Master Maenas,
Thanks for the comment.
This is a first for me on such a painting surface. I did not manage to mattify the oil, it shines too much for me but I might try a matt varnish when I finish painting the figure. I think it will be quite quick because it is a monobloc figure and there are ultimately few traps. This is the advantage of monoblocks smile I hope to be able to show you it fully painted next week.
Until then, be well !



#66 Mon, Oct5 2020 8:03pm

Sam Wise
From: Chatellerault-Poitou-France
Registered: Sun, Sep16 2012
Posts: 330

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Fabrice JACOB wrote:

Well done Master Sam Wise !!!

Your presence here delights me. No post for a long time, i was wondering if COVID hadn't affected you  ?

Have you produced anything lately?

Posts in these places are becoming increasingly rare, would there be a certain danger in frequenting them ?

Sorry for the delay Master Fabrice ! hmm
All is fine for me !
In fact, I don't paint since a long time, it seems that I've not enough free-time for that ... ( or it's because of the hours I spend to see all the cycling's races on Tv ? tongue ).
I've 2 figures to show that I've finished in July :
-M403 Woodman Girl with Bow
-LR22 Bilbo farewell's Speech

and now I want to paint some Orcs because it's "ORCTOBER MONTH" !!!!! lol

I'm waiting the next steps of your painting job ! (especially the colours you choose to use with orange ... wink )
Keep safe !

Last edited by Sam Wise (Mon, Oct5 2020 8:04pm)

"no fear to fight, no fear to loose, just want to have fun!" (anonymous)
feel free to visit my blog Sam's Minis World



#67 Fri, Oct9 2020 10:29am

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Bonjour les MithrilNautes !
Je suis en mesure de vous présenter une photo de mon travail sur la M 41. Elle est quasiment terminée, il reste encore quelques retouches à effectuer, mais vous avez globalement devant vos yeux, une version terminée. Malheureusement comme je vous l'ai déjà indiqué, je n'ai pas d'APN en état de fonctionner aussi la photo a été réalisée avec mon téléphone portable. Le rendu des couleurs est bien évidemment un peu altéré sad. La prochaine fois que j'irai à l'association des Chevaliers du Centaure,( nous y  avons un atelier photo) je demanderai à un des membres, de bien vouloir prendre en photo mes dernières réalisations.
J'espère que le choix de couleur adopté pour aller avec la toge orange, ne vous déçoit pas trop Master Sam Wise et Master Maenas ? Un vert d'eau avec des teintes bleues et violettes pour contraster. On ne peut pas réellement apprécier le rendu sur la photo, j'en suis désolé. Il faudra venir sur Nantes, à l'ODO 2021 pour regarder cela de plus près ! big_smile
On croise les doigts !
En attendant, portez-vous bien.

Click to close

Hello MithrilNautes!
I am able to show you a photo of my work on the M 41. It is almost finished, there are still some retouching to be done, but overall you have in front of your eyes a finished version. Unfortunately as I already indicated to you, I do not have a working camera so the photo was taken with my mobile phone. The color rendering is obviously a little altered sad. The next time I go to the Knights of the Centaur association, (we have a photo workshop there) I will ask one of the members to take a picture of my latest creations.
I hope that the choice of color adopted to go with the orange toga, does not disappoint you too much Master Sam Wise and Master Maenas? A sea green with blue and purple tints to contrast. We can not really appreciate the rendering on the photo, I'm sorry. We will have to come to Nantes, at ODO 2021 to take a closer look big_smile
We cross fingers !
In the meantime, be well.



#68 Fri, Oct9 2020 7:12pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Very beautiful choice of colors Fabrice.... But I do not like painting eyes on such a tiny miniatures.... they looks like they have bigger eyes than the owls in panic...

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#69 Sat, Oct10 2020 7:06pm

Registered: Mon, Jan6 2014
Posts: 232

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Nice colors indeed. He makes me think of Varys, the eunuch from Game of Thrones.



#70 Sun, Oct11 2020 8:40am

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Hello Boys big_smile 
Merci pour vos retours messieurs !
En effet, Master Thingol, il m' est de plus en plus difficile de peindre les yeux à cette échelle, surtout lorsque vos yeux vous abandonnent, les affres de l'âge hmm !
Je les réussissais  mieux il y a encore une dizaine d'années. Peut-être que la solution passera par l'achat d'une visière loupe, comme cela se fait dans le monde de la figurine.
Si j'en ai le courage, j'essaierai de modifier les yeux de cette figurine.
Wait and see...

Hello Boys big_smile
Thank you for your feedback, gentlemen.
Indeed, Master Thingol, it is more and more difficult for me to paint the eyes on this scale, especially when your eyes abandon you, the pangs of age hmm!
I was doing them a little better ten years ago. Perhaps the solution will be to purchase a magnifying visor, as is done in the world of figurines.
If I have the courage, I will try to modify the eyes of this figure.
Wait and see...



#71 Mon, Oct12 2020 10:15am

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Very nice Fabrice. I like colors, contrasts and also your technique. smile

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#72 Mon, Oct12 2020 3:39pm

From: Barcelona, Catalonia
Registered: Thu, Mar6 2008
Posts: 572

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Beautiful choice of colours, it denotes the "nobility" of the figure it represents. I like them! even the eyes!

Eyes in this scale can be perfectly done, but, Mithril sculpts cannot help to that issue in any matter, being sometimes oddly missaligned even in the sculpt itself. Or even with a "beautiful" moldline that crosses them. I have found and fought difficulties on them too, but I think they are mandatory, without them the miniatures appear a bit soulless, in my humble opinion.

Being a bit more subtle on them works better I think, and gets you a little bit less "surprised owl" effect xD , althought I still have the same owlish problem here.

Last edited by Maenas (Mon, Oct12 2020 3:43pm)

Mae govannen mellon nín.



#73 Thu, Nov5 2020 11:18pm

Sam Wise
From: Chatellerault-Poitou-France
Registered: Sun, Sep16 2012
Posts: 330

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Master Fabrice, your choice of colours is perfect ! smile
This is a kind of figure which allows the use of bright and pastel colours.
You've done it ..

"no fear to fight, no fear to loose, just want to have fun!" (anonymous)
feel free to visit my blog Sam's Minis World



#74 Sun, Nov8 2020 8:07pm

Fabrice JACOB
Registered: Mon, Sep30 2019
Posts: 285

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Je ne crois pas vous avoir dit que lorsque j'ai exhumé ma boîte magique, j'ai malencontreusement fait chuter une figurine.
Elle est tombée de plus d'un mètre...sur la lance. J'ai bien cru que je l'avais cassée. J'ai vraiment eu de la chance.
L'extrémité de la lance était tordue et formait un angle de 90° avec  la hampe.
J'aurais dû prendre une photo pour vous la montrer mais, immédiatement, mon réflexe fut de la redresser.
Je n'en menais pas large mais je ne l'ai pas cassée et elle ne s'est pas fissurée.
Je l'avais mise de côté dans cette boîte en prévision de la peindre un jour.
Je crois que le moment est venu. Après cette petite péripétie, elle a bien mérité d'être mise en couleur.
C'est une très belle figurine, vraiment bien sculptée et qui présente très peu de scories.
Elle me "parle" beaucoup, j'espère pouvoir lui faire honneur.
Mais saurez-vous me dire de quelle figurine s'agit-il ? wink

Click to close

I don't believe I told you that when I unearthed my magic box, I accidentally dropped a figurine.
She fell more than a meter ... on the spear. I thought I had broken it.
I was really lucky. The end of the spear was twisted and formed an angle of 90 ° with the shaft, I should have taken a picture to show it to you but, immediately, my reflex was to straighten it.
I wasn't leading off it but I didn't break it and it didn't crack.
I had put it aside in this box in anticipation of painting it someday.
I believe the time has come. After this incident, it deserved to be colored.
It is a very beautiful figurine, really well sculpted, very little slag. She talks to me a lot, I hope I can do her honor.
But can you tell me which figurine is it? wink

Last edited by Fabrice JACOB (Sun, Nov8 2020 8:20pm)



#75 Sun, Nov8 2020 11:05pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: Trophée Mithril Maniac

Indeed that M339 Elrohir is an excellent figure with a lot of fine details. It's wonderful to be painted. - Yes, the good-old M-series figures ... I still miss them.



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