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I have been here often; mostly sleeping in my dark corner.
I know. I've tripped over your huge booted feet on more than one occasion.
Master Innkeeper--I was awaken more than once by your stumbles! Hopefully as Summer ends and the usual crowd comes back to Bree you will have more visitors. Although any name change might confuse some of your patrons. Please let me know if I need to relocate. . .
huooommm ... I like quiet places, that's why I'm still here all the time ... rhûom ... what is this confusion about "name change" and "relocation", Master Twrich? ... anyway, let's have a wee drink together .... rhuommmm
Well, if I'm relocating, no one has told me yet, that's for sure. Not sure I could stand the "excitement" at my time of life.
Hello there relocation is not ready yet but this is advancing I have had real life problems and matters to attend in priority but I am not forgetting the project as dear ents say, we must not be hasty here
huûoOmm ... er, rhûomtidomm, of course ...alas, I'm slightly-a-little-bit excited ... huom ... anyway ... ahem, Master Barliman, would you please serve all regulars and new guests free drinks and some crisps and salted peanuts until tomorrow evening ... huouuoohm ... that might also include any 2nd or 3rd breakfast tomorrow for hungry Hobbits, but it doesn't matter ... grrouummmhom ... ? why? ...
well, just because of the number of my entries - just look at the left here <------- .... huom ... no, to be serious, I just want to keep the Pony prancing, as you once put it ... err ... the thoroughly cleaned though still a bit bity- warg-skin-door-mats are rolled out at the front door again ... huoomm ... I also hung up a large sign outside ... huoomm ... I painted meself ... reading "no access to orcs nor covids of any kind .... that's it for today ... cheers ... rhuûom
You're mightily chatty today, Master Tree? I'm less so - autumn is knocking on the door, which means colder days are at hand. Time to build a vast log fire in the grate and toast some muffiins, I think.
Soon be time for some nice 'mulled'-Scrumpy to warm the 'cockles'
I'm afraid you'll have to bring your own cockles.
Well, this is all a welcome commotion! I haven't "seen" so any friends in quite awhile. Cheers to all and a round on me Barli--don't forget yourself!
A strong drink Master Brewer
Those aucton rooms are so nasty when you fail to recruit those Isengard lancers
Maybe next time
Hello there everybody
I'd like to share you one of my late works that could help all collectors : … sp=sharing
This is an EXHAUSTIVE google sheets (with several tabs) with every reference for Mithril and PA figurine, organized in a way to manage someone's collection. I am testing share possibilities at the moment with Milo. If you like it I will use this "template" later in the new site for frontend direct editing, you are also free to download it for personal use, or if you want to contribute to the community, I can give you "comment" capacity and you fill your own quantities in comments in each cell, rather than the cell itself, this way everybody can see others collections.
Dear gentlemen, I have a small question for you all... Does anyone know who submitted the last coupld of MX projects? (the two Lorien boats MX668/669) I miss that info actually.
Gildor Inglorion wrote:
Dear gentlemen, I have a small question for you all... Does anyone know who submitted the last coupld of MX projects? (the two Lorien boats MX668/669) I miss that info actually.
It was twrich I believe, the man in the dark corner.
Tom submitted the Crack of Doom MX, but i did not know it was also him for the boats? You sure?
Hi Gildor,
Yes, if you go to The Secret Vaults of Angrenost and look for the Lorien Boats thread you will see where Tom discusses it
This thread . Lothlorien Boats #2 and #3 by twrich [ 1 2 ]
Last edited by ddaines (Sun, Oct3 2021 5:01pm)
thank you gentlemen, I updated the info (on the new site)
btw, it is advancing quite fast lately
Thank you Gildor and everyone. I never noticed!
Milo clean his muddy feet, removes bis cloak, covered by Dust, ashes and spider web...
I am starving, I nearly Lost my appetite and tong this summer.
But as you may know, our kins are very much resillient, and light remains deep down in our souls.
Master Barliman, Nob, be prepared for I will rest here for a while, which also means several breakfasts are needed NOW🤪🤪🤪
Also, All drinks and food today are on my purse, Come and enjoy my Friends!
Kschink, Kschink...
Last edited by Milo (Tue, Oct12 2021 6:36am)
very happy to see you back again master Milo
Thanks Master Ent and master Gildor,
I am also very happy to be Back. Somehow it is a releaf to see immortal Friends 😉