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I think the prancing Pony is a success and that's why I restart the "Mithril converted" topic with a very simple shield.
The next shield will be Master Christoph's design. The double horse head!!!
Last edited by hsf62 (Fri, Sep10 2010 8:59am)
Ha ha- I know the basic of that great prancing pony shield you have converted, Master Holger . . .
I have just cut it away . . . for a different-shield-design
The next project, the double-horse head looks promising . . .
Whatch out your mail box . . .
Master Sam the gardener is very hasty, thats why I'll give him this preview with him and Master Milo the forrest warden.
Not finished... preview only!
The whole guys are in need of some more tender love and care.
(Better not ask what's in the pipe)
old and new M247converted and he visited Master Thingol to get some fantastic paint put on!
Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Sep12 2010 2:01pm)
....this great topic is alive...
Sam the gardener... great... magnificent... thanks my dear friend for this honor !!!!!
Also for M247... I happy to see him again.... great guy. I have enjoyed during his visits to Croatia... now I will wait for a Sam...
with pipe whatever been in there
Wow... I am speechless.
Why are you speechless Master Forest Warden?
Because you saw yourself?
That happens to me every morning when I look in the mirror!
I don't know you, but I'll shave you still!
... if you wish to have more painted figures.... you know my address... it looks interesting to see those figures again... thanks for this dear Master Caster....
Everything to the right time Master Thingol!
I think I have to put up my friendly Ent with the wargskins.
This Ent is real! Wunderbar ...
The good old M19...
converted and painted by Master Thingol
and my conversion....
Last edited by hsf62 (Fri, Sep17 2010 2:42pm)
Well, this is more than amazing ... what are you doing, Master Caster and Master Thingol ??? That Dwarven standard-bearer is ... excellent.
To me it seems that two related souls met their interests ... huoommm ... though I still dunno how you coped with all those miles that are between the places where you live ...
As for the Tree reading the manual about how to clean warg-skins I think it's not very much Tolkien-related.
Keep on, please, I simply enjoy.
... I've almost forget this picture dear friend.... and yes Master Tree.... spontaneous connection between Master Caster and me become a distant friendship.... thanks to the modern technologies places where we live aren't to much far....
I will leave 2 small conversions here later, both were made with weapons made by the our famous MMP Caster... I hope that wouldn't be problem
I've promised this.... few weeks ago...
Last edited by Thingol (Fri, Sep17 2010 8:41pm)
So there it is.... 3 not 2
M410A ( with axe and bow on his back )
M259 ( with shield in left hand, spear and sword in quiver, sack or some other word I do not know exactly )
M154B ( with scimitar not with spear as original )
pictures are not enough clear....
Last edited by Thingol (Fri, Sep17 2010 8:40pm)
Yes, I like what I see Master Nino!
As I always say, great to see conversions of others. It's always a new inspiration.
Very nice Holger and Thingol!!! You guys are amazing at conversions.
Master rita .de did a great job with his converted Fram.
Both of us converted Fram at more or less the same time, which was quite funny when Christoph posted his first pics of Fram.
Before and after...
After Fram killed the dragong and before I converted him.before he killed the dragon and after I converted him
oh, the shield is missing, have a close look at the first entry in this topic.
Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Sep19 2010 2:36pm)
No discussion about this one..... he got wings for sure
Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Sep26 2010 3:32pm)