Many Mithril Pages @ Faerylands

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#176 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:48pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Some wishes are fulfilled immediately !!!! big_smile
Greaaaaat figure !!!!

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#177 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:50pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Done! cool

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#178 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:55pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Dear friend, I would like to see in one of future days, the mass production of these exceptional figures.... ouuuuuuuuh thanks for this experience !!!!

Now we know how you spent New Year's holidays smile

Last edited by Thingol (Mon, Jan3 2011 12:58pm)

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#179 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:56pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

whaou whaou !!!!!!!!lol

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#180 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:57pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Who let the dogs out . . .  lol

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#181 Mon, Jan3 2011 12:58pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

..... Morgoth !

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#182 Mon, Jan3 2011 1:48pm

From: Indiana, USA
Registered: Mon, Feb4 2008
Posts: 458

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Great Conversions!



#183 Mon, Jan3 2011 3:18pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

So once again, the finest top-quality from Down Under.



#184 Tue, Jan4 2011 9:28am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Thanks for the compliments. I think we all have earned us a drink in the Pony! This round goes on my tap...tongue

Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jan4 2011 9:29am)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#185 Tue, Jan4 2011 1:26pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Thingol, something for you....wink
Click to close

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#186 Tue, Jan4 2011 1:36pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

I might need many of these in the future ! rollrollroll

Seriously Master Caster, you shall send pictures to Master Gildor to update your conversion gallery. Many of these are missing in the dedicated section. cool

Last edited by Milo (Tue, Jan4 2011 1:37pm)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#187 Tue, Jan4 2011 1:51pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Thank you dear friend from down under... I see "Me" between al those magnificent conversions.... and yes as Master Milo says... send all those pictures to Gildor so he could put them into yours conversion gallery. It will be nice to see all of them on this one place...

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#188 Tue, Jan4 2011 2:26pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

I had a look in the gallery section...lollollol
I might have to take some time to take pics and send them to Gildor. So far there are 6 different conversions in the gallery section. I think on the pic above there are at least 45 different conversions...

Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jan4 2011 2:28pm)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#189 Tue, Jan4 2011 2:47pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

This is really a Wild Bunch!

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#190 Tue, Jan4 2011 3:27pm

Master of Brushes
From: Sevilla / Malaga
Registered: Wed, Dec22 2010
Posts: 170

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

All of them are converted miniatures? whaoo, a huge and fine work, much of them looks like pure blister miniatures, rather than converted.



#191 Thu, Jan6 2011 4:51pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

May I present M474C
Haradrim Captain of the Black Serpent

Converted and painted by our Master Archer Turambar!  What a great result! Thank you Christoph!cool

Click to closeClick to closeClick to closeClick to close

Last edited by hsf62 (Thu, Jan6 2011 4:55pm)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#192 Thu, Jan6 2011 4:53pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

pfiou ! coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool
I love that combined work of 2 talented fellows !

Last edited by Milo (Thu, Jan6 2011 4:53pm)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#193 Thu, Jan6 2011 5:00pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Lol, Milo the only thing I did to this figure was assembling the shaft of the banner and I also had to replace and paint the tip of the speer after the original got cought in my drill and flew away.... and is now somewhere in the back room spicked with a broken drill bit. roll

Last edited by hsf62 (Thu, Jan6 2011 5:08pm)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#194 Thu, Jan6 2011 5:20pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

... wonderful combination of talents smile + smile compliments dear friends...

I hope we would see more of those collaborative works !

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#195 Thu, Jan6 2011 6:02pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Huuiii ! The final result - which I actually have NOT seen - is good! Thanks for posting these pics, Master Caster and thank you for the warm words. smile

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#196 Fri, Jan7 2011 10:44am

Master of Brushes
From: Sevilla / Malaga
Registered: Wed, Dec22 2010
Posts: 170

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Nice miniature!

I specially likes the looong and fluttering banner. I´ll keep the idea for future works, thanks!



#197 Fri, Jan7 2011 12:25pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

These banners are the speciality of our Master

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#198 Sat, Jan29 2011 4:24pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Thingol the tools are in use! big_smile

Click to closeClick to close

Last edited by hsf62 (Sat, Jan29 2011 4:26pm)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#199 Sat, Jan29 2011 4:52pm

Master of Languages
Registered: Tue, Jan25 2011
Posts: 586

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

my goodness -- that is some outstanding conversion work ... some are much better than the base figures!

the trolls are wonderful!

not to mention the haradan captain and his banner, wow ...

Esse quam videri. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)



#200 Sat, Jan29 2011 8:39pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Another great job dear friend.... let's wait the final result smile I am impatient cool

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



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