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#201 Sun, Jan30 2011 12:55pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Hmm.... impatient ... are we?
Well, I think in this case I can help you. wink
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Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Jan30 2011 12:59pm)

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#202 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:08pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Cameosis, thank you for your nice words, much appreciated. The good thing with these figures is, you are allowed to convert the figure and copy exactly what I did, because I don't have a copyright on my conversions. lollolcool

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#203 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:12pm

Master of Languages
Registered: Tue, Jan25 2011
Posts: 586

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

stunning ... if you havent't already done so on occasion, you could consider putting together a tutorial regarding the various steps of your conversions (especially the trolls').

ganz grosser sport.

Esse quam videri. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)



#204 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:26pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

An army is growing in australia ! lol
Could I have a spear like this master caster? wink

Last edited by Milo (Sun, Jan30 2011 1:26pm)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#205 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:30pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Milo, you do have a speer like that! I believe  it is still in blister together with a camel and a

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#206 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:34pm

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

I know where it comes from.big_smile
But I miss it on my unblistered camel...roll
And, regarding Mib ones, I had to sell all unfortunately for me hmm, fortunately for some fellows here wink and elsewhere...

Last edited by Milo (Sun, Jan30 2011 1:39pm)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#207 Sun, Jan30 2011 1:50pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Cameosis, what do you think how many Mithril and none Mithril figures contributed to this conversion? (horse not included)
2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 or 10?

A tutorial regarding the various steps of your conversions (especially the trolls')?
If I remember right, then the trolls only got new weapons. The rest of the figure is not changed. Not much of a tutorial I think. Otherwise you will find pictures here from work in progress, which is self explaining I believe. The most important thing you need before starting to convert a figure is the vision of what the finished figure is supposed to look like.

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#208 Sun, Jan30 2011 3:59pm

Master of Languages
Registered: Tue, Jan25 2011
Posts: 586

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Milo wrote:

And, regarding Mib ones, I had to sell all unfortunately for me hmm, fortunately for some fellows here wink and elsewhere...

you're spot on. smile

hsf62 wrote:

Master Cameosis, what do you think how many Mithril and none Mithril figures contributed to this conversion? (horse not included)
2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 or 10?

du meine güte ... ich und schätzen ... do you mean the haradan rider specifically? i'd say 4.

hsf62 wrote:

If I remember right, then the trolls only got new weapons. The rest of the figure is not changed. Not much of a tutorial I think. Otherwise you will find pictures here from work in progress, which is self explaining I believe.

did you model the weapons yourself or did you rather cut and attach them? the hammer is fascinating (not to mention that you have several of the trolls and they rarely show up on ebay).

hsf62 wrote:

The most important thing you need before starting to convert a figure is the vision of what the finished figure is supposed to look like.

the vision is the least of my concerns ... it's the execution that worries me, haha big_smile

Esse quam videri. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)



#209 Sun, Jan30 2011 9:20pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

hsf62 wrote:

Well, I think in this case I can help you. wink

My impatience is satisfied, my dear friend from down under... great mounted figure.... thanks for this.... !

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#210 Mon, Jan31 2011 12:57pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

All right Master Cameosis, first things first. you made it over the 50% mark! cool
For the figure above I used parts of 7 different minis. (horse not included)
M35 guard  = head used
M50  = shield used
M73  = lance used
M142 = legs and cloak used (rest cut of)
LT13  = right arm used
MW347  figure C8B  = armour used
hobby products  = turban used

The horse is the one from M293 as you know.

Regarding the trolls, some weapons are just replaced, the "barrel hammer' I made myself.
The trolls are showing up on ebay quite often I have to say, but these converted trolls are not from ebay.

If you got the vision, that's great, as I said that's the most important thing! To convert a mini you just also need quite a few tools. With just a knife I wouldnt get far.roll But on the other hand, it also depends on how excessive your conversions are, or what look you want to achieve for a figure.

A good idea for starters would be:
If you have a double of a figure you dont like, take it and have a look why you don't like that figure. Then change the figure around in your mind that it becomes to your liking. when you got your picture you can start trimming the figure in the right direction... Now, either you have spare parts you can pick from, or you need a bit of plastic putty to create what you have seen in your mind. big_smile
Plastic putty is great! It's gettting hard within minutes and can be sanded drilled cut easy and if need be, doubled up again and again if you cut of to much....
Give it a try and you will become more confident with every single step you

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#211 Mon, Jan31 2011 1:29pm

From: Indiana, USA
Registered: Mon, Feb4 2008
Posts: 458

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

So he is two parts Half-orc! That explains why he is in an army serving the darkside.



#212 Mon, Jan31 2011 2:49pm

Master of Languages
Registered: Tue, Jan25 2011
Posts: 586

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

shadyt wrote:

So he is two parts Half-orc! That explains why he is in an army serving the darkside.

you mean the "more fun side". cool but if he's two parts half-orc ... doesn't that make him a full orc? yikes

hsf62 wrote:

All right Master Cameosis, first things first. you made it over the 50% mark! cool
For the figure above I used parts of 7 different minis. (horse not included)
M35 guard  = head used
M50  = shield used
M73  = lance used
M142 = legs and cloak used (rest cut of)
LT13  = right arm used
MW347  figure C8B  = armour used
hobby products  = turban used

hehe, you're too kind -- but that means that if this had been a test, i wouldn't have passed ... @ university, you need at least 66%! roll
anyway, awesome awesome awesome.

hsf62 wrote:

The trolls are showing up on ebay quite often I have to say, but these converted trolls are not from ebay.

must be my bad timing -- but i'll keep looking ... i'd take a troll over another dunlending or rohir (or any other figure) anytime.

perfect, thanks again for all the tips -- i'll make a list of tools i'll need and go from there. the ideas won't fade, i actually have a few specific things in mind, so i don't worry about that. practice makes perfect, i suppose. big_smile

Esse quam videri. (Marcus Tullius Cicero)



#213 Mon, Jan31 2011 11:29pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Geat stuff, my friend, great stuff.
Meanwhiling I am about loosing the overview of the former project . . . there are too many conversions around . . .

Last edited by Turambar (Mon, Jan31 2011 11:29pm)

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#214 Tue, Feb1 2011 10:40am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Impossible! There can't be too many conversions around yet! lol I'm not finished still! Footsoldiers.... Riders on camels.... Camels carrying goods...... Did I forget something???  Maybe a cart with some slaves roll
Alright alright, maybe I have expanded the original idea a little bit...tongue  Sorry Christoph, Far Harad really got me!wink

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#215 Tue, Feb1 2011 10:43am

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Hi Master Caster, did you get my mail yesterday ?

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



#216 Tue, Feb1 2011 10:50am

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Yes! Thanks, very helpful list! wink

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#217 Tue, Feb1 2011 1:10pm

From: Indiana, USA
Registered: Mon, Feb4 2008
Posts: 458

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

I have really enjoyed all of fthese conversions very much! Keep on inspiring the rest of us!



#218 Tue, Feb1 2011 1:57pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Thanks Master Shadyt, they keep coming.

the original concept:
A nice concept would be, these Haradrim attacking a caravan.....
about 8 camels loaded with goods lead by walking traders. 4 mounted and 6 guards on foot attacked by 6 mounted and 8 Haradrim on foot.
Nice big diorama!!!  What do you think?

How many riders and how many footsoldiers do you have Master Archer?
For now I have 6 riders. Two of them could be used as a chief (one each side).
We need 10 mounted + 14 footsoldiers + 8 camels + some traders + some slaves LOL about 40 figures?!

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#219 Tue, Feb1 2011 2:26pm

From: Indiana, USA
Registered: Mon, Feb4 2008
Posts: 458

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

That sounds very nice!



#220 Tue, Feb1 2011 2:29pm

Archer of Mirkwood
From: Germany
Registered: Sun, Apr27 2008
Posts: 2724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

At the moment there is ONE rider and THREE footsoldiers.
In the "near" futere there will be three more riders and three more footsoldiers.
( I am waiting for some stuff a friend ia about to send . . .  cool )

So we have FOUR mounted and SIX footies . . . from the depths of Mirkwood . . .

Maybe the magic was the most powerful force in the world. But that was long ago.
The dragons are gone, the giants are dead and the children of the woods are forgotten.



#221 Tue, Feb1 2011 3:40pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Sorry to interfere here, but, Master Hsf62, your concept doesn't seem to be realistic in one aspect. Let me try to explain.
Of course a caravan can be thought of being protected by riders and footsoldiers. But as for the attackers I think it doesn't make much sense to rely on footsoldiers as well, as the attacker's strategy could only be based on speed, not only for the surprise attack, but also for a swift withdrawal.
That's just how I see such an attack.



#222 Tue, Feb1 2011 3:50pm

Wisest of Ents
From: the Osning in Germany
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 5724

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Sorry, before criticizing such a minor aspect in your concept, Master Caster, I should have said that I really do like your conversions very much ... though I think you know that already.
As for numbers ... so far I have 10 different figures of Haradan cavalry (including the 3 original Mithrils), not including your conversions.



#223 Tue, Feb1 2011 8:49pm

Brave Sam the gardener
From: Republic of Croatia
Registered: Tue, Jul28 2009
Posts: 3694

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

I wasn't here for a few long seconds and what can I read.... many Haradim conversions, figures, ideas, etc.... can we see something painted soon.... from the deepest corners of Mirkwood smile I guess !!?!?! smile

.... Farewell to Middle-earth at last. I see the Star above my mast!



#224 Tue, Feb1 2011 11:39pm

Master Caster
From: Australia
Registered: Tue, Jan29 2008
Posts: 2930

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Yuo are right regarding the footsoldiers Master Ent if they would attack somewhere in the open. Good point! Well well, I guess the attack has to happen in another place then. A oasis would be a nice trap to wait for a caravan. The footsoldiers would wait at the oasis and the mounted ones would attack from the end of the caravan.....wink
No withdrawel, no defeat, only VICTORY! lol

Master Estel, you are the lord of the paints! 40 in one week, I can't even get one painted in 2 years!mad

Where there is a will there is a way, just as there are no problems, only solutions! Guess it depends on ones own perspective of the matter at that time big_smile



#225 Wed, Feb2 2011 9:06am

The Attic Warden
From: Toulouse, France
Registered: Tue, Mar30 2010
Posts: 4454

Re: Old and New Mithril converted

Master Caster, could these camels be off any use for your project ?
Click to close

Scale is a bit different but once mixed, recasted together with M73 camel, I guess i would become a jewel !
Just tell me if you need any.wink

Last edited by Milo (Wed, Feb2 2011 9:09am)

Milo Gamgee-Took of Bywater
"All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."



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