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Ok, Master shadyt, here are the pics I have promised to take for you.
For me teh best camels evr been sculpt, from Master ebob. Wonderful proportion and nicely slim, those camels.
You have to know, I don´t like the mithril camel at all, because it is too plump.
Searching the real scale- look at this:
Interesting to know the oppinion of you- fellows!
Last edited by Turambar (Sat, Feb5 2011 12:56pm)
Christoph, they are bloddy awesome! I like very much!!! I think the proportion is not to bad at all. Imagine these camels loaded with goods!! Great! There are Hobbit dwarfs men and elfs. I guess we have something between dwarf and man. More then good enough for me! You use the larger horses as war horses, so you can use the larger camels as war camels!
There we go, the diorame is growing!
Thanks for the pics, that really made my day!
Why doesn't have the camel in the middle of the first pic a base plate? Did you cut it of, or does it come like that?
Thank you for the pics. They do look a bit small and thin next to the Mithril camel, but they might be close enough.
Master Caster, please check your messages when you have time.
No it comes like that, Holger. Glad I could please you.
Sorry no messages, might be full lol
What about copie and paste to :
I like the overall concept and a whole lot of these ideas.... it will be interesting to see final result !!!!
Apart from Far Harad there are others around...
Master Thingol, the new tools are very handy!
M48 with a new weapon
Master Ent, the other is still to come....
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Feb8 2011 3:23pm)
I want this one !
heu..I want every one !
magique !
Yes Master Ent, even trees....
Milo wrote:
I want this one !
heu..I want every one !
magique !
no no no -- *i* am the troll liaison here, you will have to stand in line.
this one is absolutely *stunning* (if you pardon the pun, haha). trolls to the rescue, lol
Never ever.
Maybe wood from trees for handles or shafts from trees they killed before. But trees?
No,no,no,no, Master Hsf62 you must be jesting or joking, of course.
Sorry Master Ent, they are very nasty creatures indeed!
Sorry guys, so far I do have only a one of and I'm not parting from it yet... First his brother has to be finished....
Hah, another one is still to come, you said, Master Caster? A brother you said? - No, please.
Err, Master Cameosis, I really didn't say that I was keen on that figure, so all I did was reacting to the shock when Master Hsf62 implied to have someone like that ugly-awful beasts using a tree (imagine: a tree) as a heavy weapon. Tell him he shouldn't do that, please, as trees are no weapons at all.
Dear friend from down under.... beautiful troll conversion... I like the mallet. It's excellent. You should open your web shop and write to L.E. and C.T. for permission to sell those converted miniatures under your name... and you could them participated with some small fee for this right I would like to buy....
cameosis wrote:
no no no -- *i* am the troll liaison here, you will have to stand in line.
this one is absolutely *stunning* (if you pardon the pun, haha). trolls to the rescue, lol
Dear Croatian mithril friend, I am sure that this line, if Master Caster create it, will be quite long
Last edited by Thingol (Tue, Feb8 2011 6:13pm)
This topic has become most popular again, first after The Taproom in Pony... and I like it.... !!!!!!!
Last edited by Thingol (Tue, Feb8 2011 6:15pm)
. . . veerry long . . .
Theobald wrote:
Err, Master Cameosis, I really didn't say that I was keen on that figure, so all I did was reacting to the shock when Master Hsf62 implied to have someone like that ugly-awful beasts using a tree (imagine: a tree) as a heavy weapon. Tell him he shouldn't do that, please, as trees are no weapons at all.
no worries, wise ent -- i was actually responding to our fellow milo. and trees should be left to grow, yes ... but go tell that to the humans, right ...
Thingol wrote:
Dear Croatian mithril friend, I am sure that this line, if Master Caster create it, will be quite long
i certainly hope so! one can never have enough trolls around -- well, i can't in any case.
by the way, i don't know if this has been mentioned before but ice used croatian in a number of their publications, i still remember how surprised i was when i saw that for the first time!
mithril has three releases that have croatian reference titles:
the m80 lešina(s), the m335 snaga(s) and the m78 razarač -- "lešina" means "corpse," "snaga" means "strength" and "razarač" means "devastator."
Last edited by cameosis (Wed, Feb9 2011 11:58am)
More and more interesting information comes from your archive files Master Cameosis.
Thanks for this
Last edited by Thingol (Wed, Feb9 2011 8:14am)
Big brother has arrived!
Not 100% sure with the shield.... otherwise you judge.
Last edited by hsf62 (Wed, Feb9 2011 3:14pm)