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I'll second that, Christoph captures the feeling of each scene perfectly, and it is not just the painting of the piece, it is the planning stages as well which intrigue me , oh to have some patience
Anway, back to the thread, its all looking good and I can't wait to see the final results.
W O W !
I didnĀ“t expect to receive this kind of feedback. All this all is flattering me very much.
I feel deeply honoured by all these words.
It counts a LOT to me, also being part of this wonderful community!
It encourages me to go ahead this way. Thank you friends for your sympathy !!!!
Turambar wrote:
Thank you friends for your sympathy !!!!
Please dear friend... do not be too modest .... !
Oh yes, that would be interesting to know. Just wanted to ask the same question . . .
Pretty good stuff. Sticks to more or less everything and when it starts to cure you can already begin with giving it a rough shape and if you took to much of, just add some fresh material back on.
Last edited by hsf62 (Fri, Mar25 2011 11:01am)
If you go back to my first post in this topic, you also can see how I copied the emblem of the white hand making a negativ with this putty to "stamp" it on the round shield. If you put for example vaseline on the original shield the putty will not stick to it. After it is cured you got the negativ. Then put vaseline on the negativ so the putty doesn't stick to it, onlt to the new shield.
That's a good question?? It is made in New Zealand. I'm sure there are similar Resins available in Europe. After all Australia is in a lot of things between 5 and 10 years behind Europe in developing new materials.
Just have a look around in hardware stores. If you can't find anything, I can send you one still.
Last edited by hsf62 (Fri, Mar25 2011 12:32pm)
The first took shape
Two more to go! What do you think Master Turambar?
Last edited by hsf62 (Sun, Mar27 2011 11:06am)
Ha! Absolutely mega-overfantastic ! A B S O L U T E L Y !
The expectations are more than fulfilled! Oberklasse, lieber Holger !!!!!!
Thanks, but now with the pics, I think I have to make the sleeves of the shirt a little bit smaller.
No, the song from Master Wonder is called: Master Blaster . . .
Ups I missed the back of the boot... Thanks Wisest of Ents.
Well, Master Caster/Plaster/Cutter/carver /Blaster. or whatever else. I'd say a bit of everything is needed.
Master Turambar will have many master pieces ! Keep going Holger !
Last edited by Milo (Sun, Mar27 2011 4:33pm)
Camel driver number 2!
Still 4 little strings missing...
Last edited by hsf62 (Fri, Apr1 2011 2:43pm)
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !
Wait until you see all the pics...
Oups...I am waiting.
Check tharbad marketplace also, I found a new treasure !
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !
Whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !