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Well, it seems that finally we will have special anniversary figure. But ..... I was a little disappointed. There is no longer a "rehash" of Gandalf (I do not know if it says so in English...).
In addition to appearing the GF figure "Theodred, son of Theoden", has too much resemblance to my liking, with the M26 "Eothraim prince." Fortunately, the series of Dol Amroth has a great pint. This series will satifacer I think many of us.
Dol Amroth look good and I can't wait.
Gandalf I like also - he comes at the right time for me as I really need to get the Balrog sorted and finished and this Gandalf will complement it even as CT intended.
Theodred - well perhaps there are similarities to other figures - the horse looks familiar as well, but I guess if looked at from a stand-alone view and not in comparrison with other figures (of which some may not have the early ones anyway) then it looks original. I don't know how Tom pictured the final figure, but the pose is ok for me - looking out over the countryside for signs of Saruman's army perhaps..
Also it is common for sculptors to use and adapt existing figures to save a bit of time - the 32mm Thranduil Christmas figure was adapted from an abandoned King Arthur figure - now you know
p.s. good luck to all German and Spanish members on Sunday, may the best team win
This time if Mr. Theobald, if this time.
Finally the justice was done with soccer for the Spanish National Team! (although we have a very long journey to simply approach in titles to german soccer)
Last edited by erchamion (Sun, Jun29 2008 9:32pm)
soccer erchamion, in english it's soccer
Gildor Inglorion wrote:
soccer erchamion, in english it's soccer
Soccer for American friends; football to Europeans. The least important thing now is the name .....
Huoomm .... a superb team has won the championship .... congratulations ... rhuuoommm ... at least two more goals should have been hit by that team ... huoommm ... chapeau !
erchamion wrote:
Gildor Inglorion wrote:
soccer erchamion, in english it's soccer
Soccer for American friends; football to Europeans. The least important thing now is the name .....
If we hear a European say football, we know what they mean. Well, most of us.
Congratulations to Spain. And to Germany also because while not as nice as winning, losing in the finals means the team did pretty well. They have bragging rights to all but Spain.
I must admit.... football, or soccer, whatever.... I don't like those sports
congrats to Spain though , it was difficult not to hear the festivities yesterday in Montpellier... (which is not so far from the spanish border)
Good on you Master Gildor, I don't like them eigther. Too commercialised, both, soccer and football.
I rather sit down and relax to nice musik after my duties are done.
I also have to pass the following on to you because it definitely worked for me and we all could use more calm in our lives.
By following the simple advice I heard on a Medical TV show, I have finally found inner peace.
A Doctor proclaimed the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started.
So I looked around my house to see things I'd started and hadn't finished and, before leaving the house this morning, I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of vocka, a pockage of Prunglies , tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins, the res of the Chesescke an a box a chocolets.
Yu haf no idr who fkin gud I fel. Peas sen dis orn to dem yu fee ar in ned ov inr pece.
mmhh sounds like the recipe of the whiskey stuffed turkey
it ends up quite the same
I can ensure you it works very well.. for a while...
Soccer is 22 headless chickens running aimlessly about on a field. American Football, on the other hand, is a game of skill and strategy...
But back to the 'real' topic, yes, all the new releases look good. I'm especially looking forward to the DA dudes, though I wish they'd come along a lot sooner (like about three years ago, before I spent a lot of time - and quite a few pennies too - utilising figures from other manufacturers to fulfil my Dol Amroth needs). The Man's figures look so good I may have to start all over again. Ho-hum.
As for me, in a few days I'll be satisfied with a haggis, a pint of heavy and a wee dram .... so, Slainte mhath! ... or as some even say ... Slainte mhor a h-uile la a chi's nach fhaic (which is a Jacobite toast)
Can we guess, then, which part of the world you're going to?...sounds like it won't be a million miles from where I spent my vacation time...except I was in lands beyond the far northern coast, and - funnily enough - passed throuigh a place called Helmsdale en route and found a place called Isengard when I got's a small world.
If you want to visit Rivendell you have to travel a bit further.
Thats a street name here in Australia!
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jul1 2008 2:32am)
"American Football, on the other hand, is a game of skill and strategy..."
I knew you were a smart guy, Barli, and this proves it! Capital!!
American football?
What a bunch of big blokes in skin tight leotards and body armour standing around on a field waiting for someone to throw a ball?
snooker requires skill and strategy... tennis requires skill and strategy... maybe Volleyball too....
as for soccer... AS WELL AS american football...pure display of athletic capacities with some low level rules . basically it's the same.... bring a ball from point A to point B... only the method changes... that may requires some the legs... not in the brains
Clearly you don't understand the game, so I'll let you off.
Don't you love it.... ball hunting!
I rather do lead hunting!
I read an interesting treatise once about American football and how it suits the uniquely American mentality. It is fast and violent with periods of crushing dullness as well, as teams plan and counterplan offense vs. defense.
The names of many clubs evoke our frontier, revolutionary, and industrial heritage; Cowboys, Redskins, Patriots, Steelers, Oilers etc. Even the structure of the game mirrors the westward expansion of society, measured off in ten-yard increments (9.14 meters) by officials carrying chains and sticks that are remarkably similar to antiquated surveying equipment. The surveyor is the unsung hero of American history!
Last edited by presto247365 (Thu, Jul3 2008 2:36pm)
American Football! Wow! It is the best sport here in America! Go Dallas Cowboys!
It is so fun to watch and I can't wait until it starts again.
Oh, hello everyone!
I used to support the Rams, but over the past few years have found myself gradually drifting into a habit of supporting Mrs B's favourites, the Pats. Could have something to do with how miserably the Rams have performed for the past couple of seasons!
On the subject of new Mithrils, meanwhile, does anyone want to take out any bets on the Dol Amroth guys sliding back to August before we finally see them? Any takers? And the big question then becomes 'How much longer will it take for the Easterlings to arrive?' (I think they must be walking rather than riding, and visiting every tavern on the way...)