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Huoomm ... Master Barliman, thank you for sharing my thoughts and supporting my criticism ...
rhuuoommh°uom .. though I think that the word "ciould" in your last entry was meant to be read as "could" ... huoommm ... "heath" and "hearth", you know ... rhuoommm ...
If I could tipe I'd bee a secretary. Butt I can't. As I thing I've said before, these dam keyboars aren;t deisgned forr my fat fingers.
, Now taht you too have pointed out each uvvers tie-pin errors, The Entombed Balrog is now primed and ready to paint (and I have officially become a member of the B.H.W.C.) and what fun I had with those fiddly little horny things!!!
Managed to drop 'em at leat twice with (not so Super ) superglue applied, so strange how it sticks everything but what it is supposed to stick!!! Anyway, finally got them stuck to his head.
Re the Horn of Helm, I have simply discarded the base, made a small cast of the support thing although it would have been just as easy to have scratch built a replacement part, and with some luck may get some paint on him tonight.
Same with Guthlaf, hopefully a bit of paint will do him the world of good
Well blow me down, I'd clean forgotten about poor old Guthlaf! I can't even remember what I've done with the blister at the moment (my workroom is currently a minor, no, a major disaster area). I shall have to track him down. He's probably out looking for his horse.
Very hasty of you, to reach such a high number so quickly...
A voice from a dark corner says: "and I am at 330, one-tenth of you , Master Tree!'
By the by Barli, the candles look nice, and are a good distance away. Thank you.
And hello again, erchamion. I will offer you another drink . . . but please, no more talk of visiting a barrow . . . . "forever!"
Last edited by twrich (Sun, Jul10 2011 7:32pm)
ddaines wrote:
, Now taht you too have pointed out each uvvers tie-pin errors, The Entombed Balrog is now primed and ready to paint (and I have officially become a member of the B.H.W.C.)
What is B.H.W.C. Master David !?!?! I am a bit curious when it comes to abbreviations and acronyms....
Thingol wrote:
ddaines wrote:
, Now taht you too have pointed out each uvvers tie-pin errors, The Entombed Balrog is now primed and ready to paint (and I have officially become a member of the B.H.W.C.)
What is B.H.W.C. Master David !?!?! I am a bit curious when it comes to abbreviations and acronyms....
The Balrogs Have Wings [Camp/Club] - I have never been 100% convinced/sure of which train of thought to support*, but to not attach the wings to this mini master would be the wrong choice, so I now support the idea of wings .
*(to this seemingly unsolveable question - unless of course somewhere, buried deep amongst Professor T's notes and writings the definative answer lays as yet undiscovered)
Last edited by ddaines (Sun, Jul10 2011 10:35pm)
I'd be in the ICMUMMOWOTOBTPDHW...OMTD club. ('I can't make up my mind one way or the other, but they probably didn't have wings...or maybe they did'.)
Barliman wrote:
I'd be in the ICMUMMOWOTOBTPDHW...OMTD club. ('I can't make up my mind one way or the other, but they probably didn't have wings...or maybe they did'.)
the one I'm sure. You must include chicken wings on the menu! And we could made C.W. Club....
Barliman, your help deserves something in return, so please, for once, be my guest here, take a sit, tell me what you wanna drink and I bring it to you (and I pay of course).
Since you're paying, I'll have a gallon of scrumpy, please - the type with extra rats' tails. Luvverly.
Sorry Bariliman, It took me hours to find a clean gallon without asking were I should have looked for...
Here is your scrumpy, extra rats' tail as requested, and the money also.
Money! There's something I haven't seen for a while.
Posting pictures does make thirsty, Master Thingol. Let´s have a cold drink here in this "new" pony.
May I give you an invitation . . .
You need some coiny thingies Master Barli . . . Let me help you.
PS: my drink is already done, hicks. No more time left . . . you know the reason Master Thingol . . .
Last edited by Turambar (Wed, Jul13 2011 8:38pm)
Thanks for invitation dear Mirkwood friend.... I have also some coiny thingies.... for few mugs of black beer for me and Master Archer...
(Kerchinnnnng) Now I have a few more coiny things. The more the merrier.
*hides in a corner, snatchs a juicy hobbit and goes to eat*
I want a new section here! "The grumpy wives", that's the title! Somewhere where us poor lonesome wives can say whatever we want AGAINST those awfull little bits of metal of yours ;p
Last edited by Wirilómë (Sat, Jul16 2011 9:41pm)
well... master Milo just left my humble house, with some improvised gifts actually. Eveyrything went fine, I'll have some pics to post tomorrow I hope
quite a pleasant evening (from 6pm to 11pm) ... and a new big glasscase for my wall... that will be more than helpful!
Pleasant? Pleasant? Having you too speaking of metal bits wasn't pleasant!
Ok, quite charming to be honest, but well, I'm an angry wife ;p
You should eat your husband. Isn't that the usual way spiders solve their domestic disputes?