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Huooommmm .... wonderful figure, marvellously painted ... the cloth, the skin, the hair, etc ....
excellent paint job indeed, Master Gildor. BUT
It wouldn't be me if I hadn't found something I could criticize (sorry, might be because of my job). See, the title, as you said, is "Healing Light". right? - So what do you think that fair lady is holding up in her left hand? Paint it again, Sam.
Gildor, I hope you do not take this as an offence, as it clearly isn't meant that way, maybe it's just because of my strange kind of humour. So to point it out clearly again at the Ent:
This is a marvellous figure which was painted brilliantly !!!!!
well i must admit I painted it by the model... but the flame Daramis is holding in her hand is supposed to be blue-white (like her clothes)
the color theme is blue-white and golden... the figurine is far less dark than the pics show them... as I said, a lack of good natural lighting does not help
this is the model used for the box cover : … 028-01.jpg
about glazes or juiced, indeed lots of control because dry brush tends to bring paint "powder" outside the places we want to paint, this is very very hard to control when you do artistic work.... it is indeed more suited for armies, or caricatural figurines with lots of relief...
quite suited for SOME mithril figurines, for infantry or orcs... or pelts sometimes... drybrush remains the best for big areas of animal pelts (provided the pelt is sculpted....)
Sorry, I really didn't know about a blue-white flames until now. But I have to admit that I'm not at all familiar nor with Andrea-figures and their 'background' either.
well I think Joaquin Palacios (freeman) is quite a good fantasy sculptor for 54mm actually but this is ONLY for 54mm...
Mithril was good too... but they ceased producing 54mm...
Gildor, you do yourself down Sir , you paint very well and those examples you have shown show this. So many people miss out on the enjoyment by a lack of confidence in their abilities, but we ain't in a competition with each other, paint for your enjoyment and our enjoyment
Karma to Mrs Gildor for giving you a 'kick up the butt'
Now to give him another "kick up the butt" to make him work harder on the mounted figurine he's painting (Zorabeth, morning mist, still by Andrea, link on page one of this thread).
I really love those andrea miniatures, way better than Mithril ones in my eyes for one main reason: they're 54mm. 32mm really lack details or so I think... and our house is crowded with 32mm!!!! *cries*
If you want bad painting, you should see my Gildor *shudders*. Actually the clothes are pretty good for a first try, but (as I expected), the skin turned out as a new synonym of "awful".
Ahhh ... if you would like to see worse paintings ... they're here ... that's why I did not provide them ... rhuoommm ... and as for the "kick up the butt" give him a second one from me, please ... I also like that guy at your home ...
remember months ago... I got a gift for Christmas... 54mm from
Andrea … 002-01.jpg
it took me more than six months... but I finished it today, at last... and now here is the result (sorry for the light quality, I had some problem with natural light and flash ) :
and now, I have four days to finish painting the gift I made to my wife for her birthday in june... this is not fantasy but could be : a Norse Lord from Andrea too … -02-04.jpg
then by thursday next week, I should be back painting Mithril, AT LAST
Huoommm ... great that is, Master Gildor ... I mean the paint-job and the sculpting of the stallion ... good choice for a present, meseems .... huoomm ...
mon dieu! the "norse lord" is a modified conan pose, looking good.
Well, I guess with all these great painters around I'll never pick up a brush again....
the result would be not satisfying at all anymore...
Last edited by hsf62 (Sat, Jul30 2011 4:55pm)
it took me a lot of time to achieve this one, and in the end i admit I was a bit "fed up"... I am not such great a painter but I am satisfied enough with the result...
I had a lot of problems to do the artificial snow... "flocage" as you call that in french... it is easy to do with grass, but with artifical snow powder that's a nightmare, not to mention I had powder everywhere , I used PVA glue, but the powder was so thin.... if you have any tip on how to "apply" artificial snow, it is welcome, as it can make marvelous environment but very hard to achieve
Well, Master Hsf62, I also will not take up a brush again ... except for personal usage, such as painting my house ... that's all I can do with paints and brushes ....
Gildor, thanks a lot for providing those pictures ... fascinating they are ... I always thought of you being an expert at the key-board, but this reveils, that your fingers are also skilled elsewhere ... huom.
you mean ... piano I suppose? but no I don't play this instrument
Beautiful figure... please make some pictures on day light.... all compliments Master elf.... !!!!!
ha ha, I see you managed to achieve this long term painting. You shall envy noone here regarding painting skills. Great work Gildor !
I will have to achieve & show also my long term one 'carrock' as for you, "in the end I admit I am a bit fed up" (just a little , mosly caus' of dwarves small size...especially when looking at my glass cabinets!)
well, in due time.... I have finished the Norse Lord !
Now, I will be away from home for 4 days from tomorrow, back to my parents villa in Marseille until Monday... bringing with me my painting case... AND a lot of mithrilS.... at long last!!
That looks absolute fantastic, Master Gildor. Good colour choice. the metal parts are also well done.
A brilliant figure, by the way!
Awesome figure.... great painting job, Master Gildor... all compliments... !!!!!! I will buy this figure... which company cast this Norse Lord....
this is Andrea Miniatures, it is 54mm though not fitting for mithril
and thanks a lot my friends for your comments ... I seem to be more gifted at paintaing 54mm than 32
... maybe that's why I am desperatly looking for all those mithril 54mm treasures.... though ironically I don't intend to paint them...
Andrea miniatures... I was try to find it but without success... which range is it.... I'm really interested to buy this great figure... and about painting my 54 mm figures ... I also think that I'm better painter with my 54 mm figures...
it is a new range from andrea, the viking ones, there are only three references so far, this one is the second
I'm going to look at. I have several Vikings in my drawer. One more would be welcome
You buy that figure, Master Nino?!
I will do the same . . .
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