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New conversions (), new banner, new colors, new shields, new postures, and also new Grass (I'll buy this !)...
All this subjugates me !
My godness, you make Middle earth being real each time Christoph !
Last edited by Milo (Mon, Oct17 2011 8:42am)
Here is the link, Milo: … c716614613
I use "dry grass" , very much recommended!!!!
And thank you for your positive comments, fellows!
Thanks to you for the link. For sure, it will be usefull for me in 2012.
Wow! I really like that a lot!
It don't get much better than that!!
Thank you very much for making me so handsome in that pic......
Excellent work once again! ....
Halloween or not.... once again magnificent work.... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and yes.... you know what
another outstanding work....
very well done!
I got scared !
Happy Halloween to you too Master Christoph . Another masterpiece - the groundwork has a look of decay and death to it complimented by the tree (not our Tree I hasten to add
More please....
Last edited by ddaines (Mon, Oct31 2011 6:27pm)
As I saw the sneak preview of the forthcoming Beregond vignette I came to the conclusion that it is about time,
to finish my Troll-diorama, started eight years ago !!!!!
I coulnd´t make the decision whre that diorama takes place. The Pellennor, Gorgoroth or inside the white city.
As far as the Beregond vigette is concerned it takes place in front of the black gates!
So for it was absultely clear, that the Trolls will smash some buildings and doors inside Minas Tirith, which was covered by some fog
in those days . . .
Oh- I forget to upload the images . . .
Important in this case is to mention a special advice from a special person. He told me to realise a wooden door- smashed by the Trolls.
That was THE advice in this case! Who could be asked at wooden-matters . . .
Hope you like these stinky, roaring Trolls.
Last edited by Turambar (Sun, Nov27 2011 2:45pm)
Great concept and frightening ugly beasts these trolls. I wonder were Minas Mirith guardians are gone...
I bet Master Barliman recognized these 2 who smashed also his letterbox yesterday...Now you know what they're after !
Last edited by Milo (Sun, Nov27 2011 2:54pm)
Excellent and up to the standard we have come to expect , and not forgetting the subtle watercolour in the background that brings the scene together so perfectly.
Well, what to say, Master of Dioramas. I'm glad that you provided pics of your latest diorama here. You already know what I think of it, don't you. - Though eight years is a short time, you managed to complete that diorama without haste and did it perfectly. Well, but it was to be expected from the winner of the "White council"-competition.
As for the concept you referred to, Master Milo, it is absolutely stunning. I was once again amazed, when Master Turambar gave me some insight to his project. You should see his plans, when he is about to realize an idea. His "book", where he always keeps record about each step of the dioramas (sketches and colour-schemes) is a marvel in itself. I wish he would provide a bit more of that. - Anyway ... rhuoommm ...
This is once again masterpiece.... stunning situation in almost destroyed city.... magnificent... and 8 years for this.... is more tha enough time to do such a beautiful piece of middle earth....
p.s. with all of those three pictures.... you know what....
Great troll diorama!
Another little and marvelous scene. Your attention to every detail gives an extraordinary realism to your pieces
And of course, i like a lot stinky and roaring trolls
Theobald wrote:
You should see his plans, when he is about to realize an idea. His "book", where he always keeps record about each step of the dioramas (sketches and colour-schemes) is a marvel in itself.
I wish he would provide a bit more of that.
I enthusiastically (is this word correct?) agree with the wise ent
Thank you very much for your very kindful words, sirs!
I think it is time to give a round of free drinks at Barli´s place . . . !