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Hi Guys!!!
I want to make you a proposal....some people here in this forum...we like mithril's miniatures to play, probably not to many...but.,,,Why no't make ours own skirmish/wargame to play with mithril miniatures???? (or other brands) I know, Mithril has some restrictions....about license...but this can be it from us....something free.
Here has to many people with nice skills,so if you like can suport the project in different ways like for expample....some people can provide with draws..... another can write the background for the different factions....we can supply some dioramas and miniatures can do something.....made from us....
What do you thing?????????
Last edited by orc (Mon, Nov23 2015 2:32pm)
Hi Master orc. On my side, I do not play wargames. If needed, I can help on dioramas for gamers. This could be good fun.
Last edited by Milo (Tue, Nov24 2015 11:36am)
I think it would be a lot easier if you just limit yourself to make an adaptation or a "mod" for an existing wargaming rulebook.
I had listened very good critique from Saga and l'art de la guerre that way you won't have to deal with a huge ruling system, just adapt an existing one to middle earth armies..... I just want to mention that I did not played those games, although long time ago I played a bit of DBM and DBA (less than 10 games, more than 15 years ago) xD
Also I would like to remark that I do not play with my mithrils, neither I like the "army style" of the mithril miniatures, because I find them boring. Not talking about your work or arthadan's (or others) here which in exchange I found pretty interesting and appealing.
Oh there was also a Middle earth game played by mail, in turns, in which you controlled a realm or faction, I always wanted to take part in it, but never did because of time ad other issues. It managed battles too, but I do not know how it did it. Incorporating the possibility to play from the distance could be a nice addition.
Just throwing in some ideas ^^
Sry Thingol, I was writing and editing my post and did not saw yours.
Last edited by Maenas (Tue, Nov24 2015 7:53pm)
I think the idea is interesting, but enough free time... uuuuuhhh .... this is a little bit complicated to me in the moment...
Master Milo: Thanks you always to kind!!!
Master Thingol: don't worry if you don't have time now....but your opinions and ideas....are helpfully too
Master Maenas: Thanks for your comments and you say ...The best way update a existing wargaming rulebook.....I listen about Saga too but never play.....more recomendations are welcome..... ideas about posible games to use like a base ?
Again not a wargamer/role-player in any way shape or form (strange folk
) and time would be the major factor for me regarding any form of diorama work (I can't seem to find time for my own stuff
), so I have to use a quote from the investors in a programme called The Dragon's Den, and say, "I'm out".
But good luck anyway
Dear All
I should cancel the proposal because there are very few interested people!!!thanks very much for your comments!!!
Sorry to hear that.. It seems we are too few lately...maybe on mithril forums.... But I relly think you can play saga or lart de la guerre with mithril mi iatures... Perhaps basing needs some adaptation but it should work.
I'd say the Advanced Song of Blades and Heroes ruleset is the way to go, Master Orc.
It's easy to learn and fast and fun to play plus you can personalise the profiles of your miniatures because it has a "online builder" (basically you design the profile you want, selecting stats scores and adding skills and it will calculate the point cost).
It has very handy skills when it comes to a Middle-earth setting such a terrible shriek some powerful undead can use to terrorize their enemies, monstruous cavalry (that would be wargs), rules for a big creature carrying normal-sized warriors (mûmakil) and so on.
Last edited by Arthadan (Fri, Dec11 2015 9:52am)
Thanks Very much Master Arthadan!!! I will take a look!!
Last edited by orc (Sat, Dec12 2015 4:31am)
You're welcome Master Orc!
i played a game yesterday and I'm quite happy with the rules, works very well for skirmish.
For bigger scale games, I'd recommend either Dragon Rampant by Osprey (here you are a review), or Saga Dark Ages by Gripping Beasts (with the unofficial LotR mod).