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Really cool !
Thanks Milo.
I will try, like what has already been done with Elron's trip, but more modestly, to offer Strider's ride to Couëron, where it will be awarded as a trophy to the winner of the TMM. For this, I will use the different decorations in my possession. It is my little stone to guide you to Loire-Atlantique in May
Very nice Master Fabrice JACOB!
Master Fabrice, it's a marvellous Strider !
Bravo !!
Not sure if the skull fits the scene though..
Master Fabrice, this Strider's travel is an excellent idea !
And for the Taproom, maybe it's "normal"... I fear that the MMP is not very active unfortunately...
But even if there are a few members to makes it live, it's not so bad, isn't it ?
For my own, I came back here because I'm selling a big part of my collection.. but it gives me the motivation for painting.
And that's good ....
Good morning all,
I wish to announce good news to you in the end, because I think it will allow several of us to meet. The ODO is postponed to May 2021 and consequently the TMM also.
This delay will allow you to perhaps pick up the brushes for some, for others to simply consider a trip to Brittany, to Nantes for 2021. Of course by then, we will have defeated COVID 19!
This gives you more time to organize yourself.
I reiterate the idea of a Mithril Convention. We will have enough to show off all your rarities and to benefit a large number of lovers of the figurine!
I will come back to this announcement later. In the meantime, be well.
Hey Master Fabrice : that's of course a good new !
I hope that I can move to this event in 2021...
I've encountered some Hobbits ready for the travel :
and I would like to know if ponies are allowed to come ... My old friend Bill is interested too :
Take care of you !
Hello everybody,
I am currently painting 3 references easterling, 3 pedestrians. I wish to add an easterling rider to them. Are there any or should I, like Master Sam Wise, go to conversion?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Take good care of yourself.
Fabrice JACOB wrote:
Hello everybody,
I am currently painting 3 references easterling, 3 pedestrians. I wish to add an easterling rider to them. Are there any or should I, like Master Sam Wise, go to conversion?
Thank you in advance for your answers.
Take good care of yourself.
Thanks Master Fabrice but I'm not sure to be able to do a conversion from a pedestrian into a rider
Can you give us the references of the figures ?
Everything is possible
hsf62 wrote:
Everything is possible
Yes I know but for now, I've never used putty to sculpt a little and for some conversions, I think it's the best way.
Do you use it for your conversions ?
Bonjour tout le monde
Rassurez-vous Maitre Sam Wise, j'effectuerai la conversion moi-même, un petit challenge que je me lance.
Je souhaite présenter la saynète au Trophée Mithril Maniac 2021. J'ai donc encore un peu de temps devant moi pour le réaliser, sauf si un des affreux orcs à virus vient me déloger d'ici là .
Les 3 piétons sont M 8; M 40 et M 170. Il me faut un cheval à l'arrêt et un easterling assez facile à transformer.
J'ai ma petite idée là dessus.
Hello everybody
Rest assured, Master Sam Wise, I will carry out the conversion myself, a small challenge that I am launching.
I want to present the play to the Thrithée Mithril Maniac 2021. So I still have a little time before me to read it, unless one of the ugly virus orcs comes to dislodge me by then.
The 3 pedestrians are M 8; M 40 and M 170. I need a stationary horse and a fairly easy to transform easterling.
I have my little idea on this.
Fabrice JACOB wrote:
Bonjour tout le monde
Rassurez-vous Maitre Sam Wise, j'effectuerai la conversion moi-même, un petit challenge que je me lance.
Je souhaite présenter la saynète au Trophée Mithril Maniac 2021. J'ai donc encore un peu de temps devant moi pour le réaliser, sauf si un des affreux orcs à virus vient me déloger d'ici là .
Les 3 piétons sont M 8; M 40 et M 170. Il me faut un cheval à l'arrêt et un easterling assez facile à transformer.
J'ai ma petite idée là dessus.
Hello everybody
Rest assured, Master Sam Wise, I will carry out the conversion myself, a small challenge that I am launching.
I want to present the play to the Thrithée Mithril Maniac 2021. So I still have a little time before me to read it, unless one of the ugly virus orcs comes to dislodge me by then.
The 3 pedestrians are M 8; M 40 and M 170. I need a stationary horse and a fairly easy to transform easterling.
I have my little idea on this.
Ouf ! I prefer that you do the conversion yourself !
I'm sure that it will be a good one !
(la couleur bleue ne se voit pas sur la page... je l'ai enlevée ici.
Fortunately, I understand the Westerling Island language enough )
Sur sa longue route qui le mène à Couëron 2021 (Nantes, France) Strider a rencontré un être très cher, qui semblait avoir totalement disparu. Elle était là , au beau milieu d'un champs de tulipes à cueillir les plus belles d’entre elles pour former un arc en ciel de couleurs dans ses bras. Après s'être longuement observer et naturellement jugé de la dangerosité mutuelle de s'approcher l'un de l'autre, ils échangèrent quelques mots, tous les deux très curieux d'en connaître un peu plus de l'autre. Quelle était leur destiné respective. Qu'allaient-ils faire dans les jours à suivre ? Strider lui demanda si elle souhaitait l'accompagner dans son périple, mais l'idée de croiser multitude de personnes ne lui convenait pas . Cette rencontre fortuite ne lui avait pas déplu mais elle ne souhaitait pas renouveler l'expérience. Elle est reparti dans la forêt jouxtant la prairie, laissant Strider rêveur. Il n'avait jamais vu d'ent femelle. En avait-il entendu parlé ? Oui assurément, mais cela demeurait presque comme un songe...
On his long road which leads him to Couëron 2021 (Nantes, France) Strider met a very dear being, who seemed to have completely disappeared. There she was, in the middle of a field of tulips picking the most beautiful of them to form a rainbow of colors in her arms. After observing each other for a long time and naturally judging the mutual danger of approaching each other, they exchanged a few words, both very curious to know a little more about each other. What was their respective destiny. What were they going to do in the days to follow? Strider asked her if she wanted to accompany him on his journey, but the idea of meeting a multitude of people did not suit him. This chance encounter had not displeased her, but she did not wish to repeat the experience. She set off again in the forest adjoining the meadow, leaving Strider dreamy. He had never seen a female. Had he heard of it? Yes certainly, but it remained almost like a dream ...
Bonjour tout le monde,
Je poursuis dans mon projet de diorama / saynète à présenter au prochain Trophée Mithril Maniac 2021.
Je vous avais donné les références des trois premiers piétons, en voici un autre, un guerrier Dunlendin et un cheval , emprunté à un haradrim pour les besoins.
J'ai trouvé un autre cavalier dunlendin, la référence MZ 654, mais je ne possède pas cette figurine. Si vos l'avez, pouvez-vous me dire si elle est de bonne facture et si le tirage est de qualité. Par avance merci et portez-vous bien.
Hello everybody,
I continue in my diorama / skit project to present at the next Mithril Maniac 2021 Trophy.
I had given you the references of the first three pedestrians, here is a Dunlendin warrior and a horse, borrowed from a haradrim for needs.
I found another Dunlendin rider, the reference MZ 654, but I do not have this figurine. If you have it, can you tell me if it is of good quality and if the print is of good quality. Thank you in advance and be well.
Fabrice JACOB wrote:
Hello everybody,
I continue in my diorama / skit project to present at the next Mithril Maniac 2021 Trophy.
I had given you the references of the first three pedestrians, here is a Dunlendin warrior and a horse, borrowed from a haradrim for needs.
I found another Dunlendin rider, the reference MZ 654, but I do not have this figurine. If you have it, can you tell me if it is of good quality and if the print is of good quality. Thank you in advance and be well.
Hello Fabrice, it seems that your diorama is on the good way.
I don't have MZ654, so I can't help you ...
but it seems to be a very nice figure !
Thank you so much Gerold,
I'm going to think about how to integrate it into my project.
Take care of yourself
Bonjour à tous,
J'espère vous retrouver tous en bonne santé après un été avec COVID.
Je reviens aux "affaires" pour vous donner les dernières informations sur le Trophée Mithril Maniac (TMM), qui comme vous vous en doutez, sera tributaire de l'existance ou non de l'Open de Ouest de la figurine 2021(ODOF), à savoir dans les conditions sanitaires les plus sûres possibles. Nous espèrons que d'ici le mois de mai 2021, la situation sanitaire se sera grandement améliorée. Les Chevaliers du Centaure, association qui organise cet évènement conjointement avec Le Lancier Pictave, ne prendrons aucun risque tant sur le plan de la santé des futurs visiteurs mais aussi sur les finances du club.
Au moindre doute, l'ODOF sera annulé !
Pour ceux qui souhaiteraient toujours participer au TMM et à l'exposition Mithril, notamment ceux qui viendraient de l'étranger, j'essayerai de vous informer de mon mieux et au plus vite pour d'éventuelles réservations.
Je reste à votre disposition pour toutes questions, n'hésitez pas !
A très bientôt ? !
Good morning all,
Hope to see you all healthy after a summer with COVID.
I come back to "business" to give you the latest information on the Mithril Maniac Trophy (TMM), which, as you can imagine, will depend on the existence or not of the Western Open of the 2021 figurine (ODOF), namely in the safest possible sanitary conditions. We hope that by May 2021, the health situation will have greatly improved. Les Chevaliers du Centaure, an association that organizes this event jointly with Le Lancier Pictave, will not take any risk both in terms of the health of future visitors but also of the club's finances.
At the slightest doubt, the ODOF will be canceled!
For those who would still like to participate in the TMM and the Mithril exhibition, especially those coming from abroad, I will try to inform you as best I can and as soon as possible for possible reservations.
I remain at your disposal for any questions, do not hesitate!
See you soon ?