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#1 Sat, May23 2020 5:08pm

Skilled Artisan
From: Canada
Registered: Wed, Jan30 2008
Posts: 936

That faintly depressing experience of sorting through old miniatures

I had two minor ish miniature related disasters in the last decade or so.

Sometime in 2012, someone stole two full GW double cases, and a full single case of miniatures from where they were being stored.
Sometime later I had poorly stored some figures in some plastic boxes on a shelf beside another box of paints and miniatures tools. I asked if someone could bring the box of tools and paints to me in Montreal. They brought the minis along. The minis did not appreciate the experience.

I had, in an effort at being cool, put a lot of minis on metal fender washers - great for stability and they are low profile, so figures are standing on terrain, not obviously above it. (That's fine for D+D, but not LOTR). Washers are great, unless someone, say dumps a bunch of cavalry figures into a car in a plastic box, or maybe in a not-great minis storage case and...bad things happen.

This morning, it was time to seriously take stock, get an idea of what is needful, what is missing, what absolutely has to be replaced and what is gone forever.

So, I need to get my hands on some of the M70-era Silvan Elves (the tracker and the swordsman, in particular), probably get my hands on more Orcs (I didn't do a full count, but there's a lot less now!) to ensure a broader variety of Mordor, Mirkwood and Misty Mountains Orcs and probably a few random personalities.

And then months and months of putting everything on nice, plastic, less destructive Renedra bases.
And then months more of repainting all the dinged figures.

Bloody hell. But until, I've a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons things to paint.



#2 Sat, May23 2020 9:14pm

Sam Wise
From: Chatellerault-Poitou-France
Registered: Sun, Sep16 2012
Posts: 330

Re: That faintly depressing experience of sorting through old miniatures

Hello Master Gavin, I'm not sure that I've understood, because I'm French ( lol) but it seems like you're searching for some minis, especially the M70-era ? And some orcs ?

I'm selling M70 on ebay and a few orcs ... I'm searching too the M71, M72, maybe I've found them from a french seller.... ( good prices)
For the Orcs, I've no project for the moment, but who knows ?
The ones I've on sale are : M22 - M150 - M184 - M303 - M312- M314 - M408 - LT10 (blister)
I'm waiting news from two sellers who sell some  figures ... ( M178 -M179 a/b - M180 -M283 a/b etc... )

I don't know if it can help you !

(If you want to see my items : … ksid=p3692 )

Last edited by Sam Wise (Sat, May23 2020 9:15pm)

"no fear to fight, no fear to loose, just want to have fun!" (anonymous)
feel free to visit my blog Sam's Minis World



#3 Sun, May24 2020 6:45pm

Skilled Artisan
From: Canada
Registered: Wed, Jan30 2008
Posts: 936

Re: That faintly depressing experience of sorting through old miniatures


I guess I am trying to get my hands on M71 and M72 and probably another M70 at some point, then some more variants of Orcs.

For me, these miniatures are ultimately to be played with, so I need need a lot of rare miniatures, especially for Orcs - just acceptable looking orcs!



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