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I like what you've done there Nino, and tell that Master Caster that the horse is about to leap among a bunch of Haradhrim holding pikes so it would be a bit backward leaning!
ddaines wrote:
I like what you've done there Nino, and tell that Master Caster that the horse is about to leap among a bunch of Haradhrim holding pikes so it would be a bit backward leaning!
..... he (horse) saw a hedgehog on his way to the battle... ;-)
Ok ok, the horse got spooked...
Nino, that is a real new mithril minature which everybody wants at home ! Splendid !
Milo wrote:
Nino, that is a real new mithril minature which everybody wants at home ! Splendid !
Merci braucoup Master hobbit.... Greetings from France ;-)
They certainly appear to be ebjoying themselves! I approve.
Here there are photos in better resolution.... But I saw a mistakes in painting and shaping of one figure .... Mrs. "elf warrior" needs an emergency reparation.
Last edited by Thingol (Thu, Jul26 2018 3:40pm)
Now thats better my friend! Big pictures! Awesome idea and very well executed!
Very soon we have to call you Master of conversions and not the gardener anymore!
One tip: If you are going to bend the arm of a figure, cut or file out a little wedge. It becomes a lot easier to bend and looks more natural.
Lovely scene, but watch out for the damn Wookie creeping up!
Doesn't matter how hard I try, I just can't keep the damn Wookiees out!
Last edited by Barliman (Sun, Jul29 2018 8:21pm)
hsf62 wrote:
Now thats better my friend! Big pictures!
Awesome idea and very well executed!
Very soon we have to call you Master of conversions and not the gardener anymore!
One tip: If you are going to bend the arm of a figure, cut or file out a little wedge. It becomes a lot easier to bend and looks more natural.
Thanks for your compliments Master Caster....
I cutted a little wedge, but not big one because of this arm of this elvish girl is so tiny that I've been afraid the whole arm will halv into two pieces
ddaines wrote:
Lovely scene, but watch out for the damn Wookie creeping up!
Wookie always keeps everything under "supervision"....
Master Thingol, if the arm breaks of in the process of bending, you still can pin it back on.... as you can see on the pic
The lot is pinned together....
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Jul31 2018 2:31pm)
A simple conversion : in my latest Orc warband I used several M94b figures (the one with the whip), but as it is rather silly to have so much orcs with a whip in one warband, I converted them by cutting of the hand with the whip and by switching it with a hand with spear from a half-orc and with a hand with axe from a Lossarnach soldier. I also added a shield to the other arm. You can see the result here, Please take a look.
Last edited by Gerold (Thu, Oct8 2020 7:25pm)
Very inspiring, Master Gerold. I' ve added an arm with torch from a GW (wash my mouth out....!) bomb-crew figure to assorted Mithrll Half-orcs. Sorry, no picture to hand. This enables me to put a couple of torch-bearing Half-orcs in the front rank of Isengard units when I refight Helm's Deep. We really need a torch-bearing orc figure from Mithril...
Great job Master Gerold !
What kind of diorama are you preparing ?
Great job Master Gerold !
What kind of diorama are you preparing ?
Hey, there seems to be an echo in here!
Thanks master Barliman
But we do have a torch-bearing orc from Mithril : MM544 Snaga with torch, still available!
Thanks master Fabrice, but I don't make diorama's anymore. I prefer to let the figures standing free, so they can be used for games, role-playing, scenes, etc.
In the same orc warband I also made two conversions of the M98b figure (orc with sword).
In fact this orc is cutting his own leg with his scimitar, so I cut it loose from the leg and repositioned the right arm so he's holding it next to his body. It was a bit tricky, if you try it, watch out with the knife! And be carefull with bending the arm, because I broke an arm off by bending it too strong.
I also repositioned the left arms a bit and gave all three a shield.
Please take a look: the first at the left is the original mini, with only a shield added.
Hm... very nice figures... I like this topic because here we can feel the old mithril one will convert new MZ figures.. but great old miniatures are always ready to be multiplicated.... and this topic is real proof for this statement...very good job Master Gerold