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Master Barliman, my commiserations at the news (newsletter), may I buy you a flagon or two of scrumpy (with rat-tails) to help console you
I believe that my response to this news, is, in the vernacular, best rendered as "Oh b*gg*r"; but yes, I was rather surprised that he got as far as he did. It was worth a try! I've already downed a pint or two to drown my sorrows.
Perhaps the figure can be released as an unnamed late King of Cardolan?
Barliman wrote:
I believe that my response to this news, is, in the vernacular, best rendered as "Oh b*gg*r"; but yes, I was rather surprised that he got as far as he did. It was worth a try! I've already downed a pint or two to drown my sorrows.
Perhaps the figure can be released as an unnamed late King of Cardolan?
I think on the bright side as they are going to release it so why not suggest that .
ddaines wrote:
Barliman wrote:
I believe that my response to this news, is, in the vernacular, best rendered as "Oh b*gg*r"; but yes, I was rather surprised that he got as far as he did. It was worth a try! I've already downed a pint or two to drown my sorrows.
Perhaps the figure can be released as an unnamed late King of Cardolan?I think on the bright side as they are going to release it so why not suggest that
And of course, once he is released, whatever 'legit' heading he is given, he will still be Ar-Pharazon the Golden
Exackertly, as we say here in Bree. Since the figure has already been modelled, I've suggested to Michael that it might be relased as an unnamed early monarch of Umbar or even of Cardolan. He's going to run the idea past Chris.
May I stand a round of drinks, or breakfast (or both) to thank all who voted for the Draught Beast 'Driver' .
Me drinking my own brew for supporting a draught beast sounds almost incestuous, but I'm game.
Yes, it's great that this figure won. With the beast now available it was such an obvious no-brainer (as we say in Bree - I hope that translates sensibly to our many non-Westreon speakers) that it surely had to win!
Barliman wrote:
Me drinking my own brew for supporting a draught beast sounds almost incestuous, but I'm game.
Yes, it's great that this figure won. With the beast now available it was such an obvious no-brainer (as we say in Bree - I hope that translates sensibly to our many non-Westreon speakers) that it surely had to win!
Now it's up to CT to decide on size
I'm very happy for the Draught Beast Driver. But the other ideas are good also, so please re-suggest!
Hello Master Gildor, it is very good to see you in the neighborhood. Would you care to join me in a drink? It has been very lonely in the Pony lately!!
for sure dear fellow in the dark I try to be quite around of late
I'll pay our round of drinks
I actually am quite happy as I won a very special auction on very old items from Prince August. "Dungeon Builder" moulds 630 and 631, produced quite a long time ago to build walls, floors (in plaster) and doors and trapdoors in metal. they come along the Fantasy Armies, to do some RPG.
I had never seen it before on ebay.
I also used the opportunity of this week end sale to buy more than 25 moulds from Fantasy series, which, along with my own "cast" collection almost complete all my Fantasy Friends&Foes collection, I only miss 4.
Now I am trying to fill the database with PA items but I have strictly no idea about the year of release of those figurines, nor their rarity on ebay to suggest a price. Maybe Milo could help me with that?
With all those moulds you're clearly going to be a very busy boy, Master Elf!
Meanwhile back here in the Pony I've just had my second Covid jab. Whoopee! I can go out again! Except that, when I said to the doctor "I imagine we'll all be doing this again next year," she said "It may even be later this year," which burst my celebratory balloon.
let's have some faith master innkeeper. and hope, all is not dark. things will go better one day soon or another.
I even heard theaters would open again by mid-may !
as for my moulds, indeed I will be busy... If I had thought about buying metal at the same time as moulds, now I have 25 moulds (of 3 figs/mould) without a single bar of model metal. (I think I will stick to "model" metal, others are too expensive... I'll wait for a later "sale" on PA site concerning metal this time.
I received today the 630 and 631 dungeon builder moulds, these are quite well thought actually. very modular, and I suppose the door metal mould could be used for "genuine PA" vignettes. if you want I'll take you some pics.
(as a side note, I think some elves from "Fantasy armies" moulds as well as some skeletons knights could quite well come in addition to build a full and exotic "army of the dead", Skeletons being more or less "thin" and of different size and shape making the whole quite "chaotic" that would be fine. (same maybe for some "goblin orcs" as they are smaller. other races though would be problematic I think...
Happy birthday Master Moernedel
Please enjoy a good breakfast on my purse.
Madter Barliman, 2nd breakfast for me would be salted please.
huUOommm ... ??? er, happy birthday, Master ...Mornedhel (Moernedel?) ... isn't it time to offer some free drinks in the Pony, as Hobbits use to do on their birthday .... huooomm .... I'm sure "Madter" Barliman will be delighted to serve us all ... húomrhuoomm ... and as for that dam***-vicious-corona-thing just keep patient, please ... hOómmm
Happy birthday to anyone I've forgotten to say that to for the last unpteen months! Yes, I suspect we've all had other things on our minds, thanks to the horrid Covid virus. But perhaps things are now improving a little... (though alas not everywhere).
Happy Birthday master Mornedhel
Happy Birthday Mornedhel, and many more! master Barli, please set us all up a round and one for yourself! Oh, here are those "coiny things!"
Master Gildor, I am very happy that you found and WON those Dungeon Builders. And it is good to know that you are back creating new dioramas. Perhaps you have been for some time, but it will be nice to hear about your projects.
Thank you all guys. A bit more grey hairs
At the moment I am not building dioramas but those dungeon builder looks both very collectable and quite promising.
my current "hobbie" and passion are not about painting : Besides tracking down every product by Chris (which is huge when it comes to considering moulds and not only casts) , I focus thus on casting actually, I bought a solder melting pot and quite some stuff to cast. and I cast every fantasy army moulds until I consider the castings to be "perfect" (which is hard with those old 1981 moulds, they were not very well thought in terms of venting (for staffs, spears and bows especially) and metal entrance (old moulds made the metal flow through shoulders ... later ones were more intelligent and the figurine was bottom up in the mould so the metal flow was below the base... It was unavoidable to have at least one "ugly shoulder" in the very early moulds refs.
I should soon have all the refs (ReadyMade casts or personnaly casts from moulds) of all the fantasy armies range.
Later, who knows, I'd like to learn how to make moulds myself to make "copies" for personnal use of some of my own refs, (thus keeping the original one unpainted and painting a copy) It always pains me to paint a rarity...
For those interested in this , I received this information from Chris :
Re: the Necromancer’s servant, it is his face which is visible rather than a mask. I see him as a kind of withered and unnaturally old vampire - a kind of Nosferatu.
that may help for painting guide though I would have prefered a mask but why not, in the Tolkien "legendarium", vampires did indeed exist , Thuringwethil was one of them, and vampires and werewolves were servant of Thû/Sauron in Tol Sirion during the First Age, so it is possible that a vampire is still serving Sauron in the Third Age. Vampires are like Razaracs or Balrogs another kinds of Fire/Shadow Maiar spirits
This sounds like an interesting approach, to me.
What Barliman says, thank you for the insight
This place has become abandoned--what a shame!! It has been nearly a month since the last post, coincidentally on my birthday, May 20th. I would worry that the beer-lines from the kegs have gotten quite skunky by now, but the beer here was always skunky! I also notice that a couple of the Warg-skin rugs have crawl off somewhere. We have had many great conversations over the years here at the Pony. I hope the place doesn't become a broken down hideout for ruffians and worse!