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I'm following him on Instagram, he is lately doing some great dioramas, I think he is working now on what seems a Fangorn scene... or maybe a black forest one... so good!
Seeing his works "on hand" would be great... must say that here we already have some other great painters/diorama makers too, seeing some of their work "on hand" would be awesome too!
An idea:
Proposing a reference to paint and then each of us could paint it for the ODO. No winnners needed, just having the same reference painted in all our styles and personalities, one alongside the other.
Last edited by Maenas (Tue, Jun8 2021 10:27am)
Maenas " Seeing his works "on hand" would be great... must say that here we already have some other great painters/diorama makers too, seeing some of their work "on hand" would be awesome too!"
An event like the ODO is made for that. Indeed, what a pleasure it would be to be able to admire these dioramas as well as those of Elroy and so many others outside the computer screen! If we add a Mithril convention, maybe we can gather even more Mithril miniature painters.
Maneas "An idea:
Proposing a reference to paint and then each of us could paint it for the ODO. No winnners needed, just having the same reference painted in all our styles and personalities, one alongside the other."
Yes, this is a very good idea. It is practiced in many painting clubs. This way we can really admire the respective painting techniques and without our eyes being deceived by the hypnotic power of a crazy decor.
But then, which figurine ? There is no lack of choice...
Fabrice JACOB wrote:
Hello Mithril Nautes,
I would like to share my enthusiasm with you here.
I discovered on the work of a painter who calls himself Celebrimbor_forge. A nice slap in the face
Just like what Elroy has done, we can see some magnificent saynètes and dioramas. It seems to me that the author is French, which gives me hope that I might be able to admire his work at the ODO 2022, at the TMM !
I wish you a nice day.
Hello Fabrice !
Quelle coincidence!!! Vous decouvriez mes photos le même jour où, chez ma mère, je retombais sur notre correspondance datant de 1994/1995. Incroyable ! Je parcours ce sujet depuis une vingtaine de minutes et je ressens, à chacune de vos photos, la même joie que lorsque je passais des heures devant la planche couleur de Mithril Maniac. Dans une de vos lettres vous me disiez que nous finirions bien par nous rencontrer un jour, qui aurait pu penser qu'il aura fallu attendre pour cela près de 28 années !
it's so great when such communities build up and help people meet (or meet again) I am glad about what is happening here
Gildor Inglorion wrote:
it's so great when such communities build up and help people meet (or meet again) I am glad about what is happening here
I'm glad to join your community also!!! Bring back such good memories!!!!! Thanks so much for creating this amazing forum