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This seems to be the way to do things, so I will do it myself! Here is my thread that I'll use for my painted Mithril figures.
My first one is Bard (M235) from The Hobbit boxed set. Yay, this is my first actual painted Mithril!! After Bard, I'm going to go in order of appearance in the Hobbit. So my next figure will be Master Bilbo. (Bard was out of order. He was actually the last of the 9 figures to appear in the Hobbit).
I didn't use any washes on him. I'm always undecided on washes..
original to have Bard in blue but quite well painted master OA
Oh on a side note master OA, please note that you can use the "upload image" module of the forum for your pics. a little guide on its utilisation can be found on the "guided tour of the MMP" category I think this tool is quite interesting for people to display their pictures with thumbnails and possibility to have larger pics on demand.
George, when it is true what you say around here, you seems to be the fastest painter ever.
As far as I know you get the Hobbit-box a week ago, isn´t it ? Don´t haste with this treasures. That would also the Tree say . . .
I like very much these thin stone-shelves. I suppose you should think it over to cut the base of the miniature and put Bard on such a stone-shelf directly.
If the miniature is not that unique ( and I have to prove sometimes that it is original-mithril, and this Bard is certainly NOT that unique . . . )
I cut those bases off- always. But I know that this is a kind of polarisation of pure fans . . . Just have a try . . .
@ Gildor: Thank you! When you say blue is original, what is the norm? I try to always research before I paint, and the only descriptors I could find of Bard were:
1) Dark hair
2) Bow made of yew
@ Gildor: thanks for the tips about the Upload Image. I will try that in the future.
@ I can't help myself. I love painting! I know I should slow down. As for the rock shelves, this was an already existing terrain piece that I made before, so I didn't want to glue Bard onto it. (But I thought the rocks were a good effect since Laketown was in ruins due to Smaug's attack). You are correct that it would look better if I cut the base off and glued Bard to the terrain piece..
Now I'm tempted to do that!
. . .go on . . .
I got the boxed set 5 days ago.
5 days is SLOW for only painting 1 figure!!
OK Gildor, here I'm trying to submit a photo from Upload Image:
But I don't like these close-ups because it reveals the flaws & sloppy work!!
It looks great to me! I wish that I could paint details like that. Great job George!
I can't wait to see the rest of your boxed set painted.
Hey Jason, don´t you think that Bard is an Original Rohirrim . . . .
Sorry Geaorge, this is only a short intermezzo especially for Jason who loves these Rohirim- as I do . . .
Rita - that is a very nice painted figure! Is it supposed to be Bard or did you convert it to Rohirrim?
No, I converted him to be a Rohirrim. I wanted to put him in the Rohirrim-Diorama with Theodred, but: no place anymore !
And the result was not that satisfied that it should be. One more mini floating around . . .
But, George, those stone shelves-- are they real stones? Please tell me. . .
Christoff (I believe that's your name, right?) -
1) They are not real stones. They are "Concrete Rubble Mix" made by Gale Force Nine hobby company. I glued them onto plasticard - and then painted them and added pebbles, etc. I'm glad you like it!
2) You have pulled me over to the DARK SIDE. I cut the base off Bard and glued him onto this rubble scene. I like it - thanks for the idea!
Christoph is right, George. Thanks for the information.
And now that diorama looks quiet fantastic. I like it.
There is one question left. Do you have cutted the base off during the last 15 minutes . . . ??!! This is faster than a grease lightning !!!!
Last edited by (Sat, Apr11 2009 11:17pm)
The dark side ????!!!!!
. . . Luke, you are my son kchttt kchhhhtttttt, . . .
Last edited by (Sat, Apr11 2009 11:18pm)
Christoph - yes, I did it in 15 minutes. Snip, cut, repaint the boots, glue, and take photo! Voila!
Nice, another painter and creator. Congrats to your first painted Mithril George! Only 500 more to go. But with the speed you paint them it's more likely that you paint them faster, then you can collect them.
I wanted to show you my Work in Progress for "Riddles in the Dark" using Gollum and Bilbo from The Hobbit set.
I really WANT to take my time to do this right, so I'm posting this to ask you your opinions.
-what coloration should the cave be?
-how do I make it look like moss?
-How can I make the tiny balsa boat look more real?
-How can I make a name plate for the diorama?
-Do gollum & bilbo's positions look right? I could put the boat anywhere, but I wanted to capture the moment when Gollum discovered his birthday present is missing and is furiously paddling to Bilbo - heedless of the blade that may await him
-Other tips to make it look like a cave?
I intend to pour "water" out of a two part resin mix (where you see the pen drawing outlines on the first picture).
Other tips to help me?
. . just try and find out for yourself . . .
No kiddin´, I really think so, George. Let me explain: It could not be the way: "hey fellows, tell me how it goes and I will do that.
Try for your own, make experiences. The colour, the composition, the material. Make your own "Art-Work" .
Otherwise your SOUL is not inside the diorama. It´s the soul of somebody else. Your own soul is the guarantor of the uniqueness of your work.
And that´s the way it should be.
Mistress Wendy´s Dol-Amroth-knights are typical for her, and you will find special characteristics in David Daines compositions.
Also the kind of colour-sceme by Estel is quiet unique for him and you won´t find another who makes such professional conversions as the Master Caster himself !
Do it that way, find your own "language" and give those miths your soul . . .
Last edited by (Sun, Apr12 2009 9:44pm)
Christoph - you are a good calming influence..
I agree with you. I'll use my own creativity and see what I come up with.
Thanks again.
Hello, George. I think that I had not you greeted yet by joining this great group of people ....
I agree with Christoph: Each one has own style (himself has me excited with his dioramas with plants and branches with lichens ....)
On the other hand, certain that you get good ideas from other members. Not surprisingly, each of them are real artists ...
Here is my 2nd Hobbit diorama, entitled "Riddles in the Dark," after the chapter in the book. Gollum lost his "Birthday Present" and he is PISSED! By the way, trust me - you DON'T want to be a guest at Smeagol's birthday parties..
That is really good work, George!
Can't wait for your next project.
Well, Estel, I think it was the great Pedder Hammerskjöld ( never will be able to write his name correct ) who build this one before.
Check out his webside:
Nevertheless: a graet diorama by George, the Original Aragorn. And, George, with your own soul . . .
Some people are very creative! Why do they ask for advise? It would hav been a shame to give someone like you advise in building dioaramas. It propably would spoil the whole creativity!
Great job George!
By the way, is your star sign Leo?