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A new hope (for me and my wife) is born,
my son, Laurin Estel Eleassar is born at sunday, second of August, with the beginning of the new day, when the moon still stood bright at the sky; that's the reason, why he watches so sceptical at a sunny day.
"Hail Laurin, the looked for that cometh at unawares, the longed for that cometh beyond hope! Hail Laurin, bearer of the light before the Sun and Moon! Splendour of the Children of Earth, star in the darkness, jewel in the sunset, radiant in the morning!"
P.S.: maybe we are in need for a board of Mithril enthusiasts' children
Last edited by ESTEL (Mon, Aug10 2009 1:30pm)
Congratulations !!
Congratulations! More babies! That is always good ....
Aww, wonderful!
Congratulations Estel!! a wonderful child you have here
thanks a lot for your nice congrats. maybe I have forgotten: the baby is a boy, Laurin is a male name in German language and not female like in the U.S.
P.s.: time will be precious now to paint mithril figures or be much busy in forum sections........
Mein lieber Freund Nikolai,
von ganzem Herzen sende ich Deiner Frau und Dir die glücklichsten Wünsche für eure kleine Familie.
Ich nehme Anteil an Eurem Glück. Wunderbares Leben.
Laurin ist ein schöner Name. Ein knuffiges Kerlches, dieser kleine Mensch!
Last edited by (Mon, Aug10 2009 10:00pm)
Herzlichen Glueckwunsch Meister Estel.
Sternzeichen Loewe:
Er hat es gern wenn man Ihm schmeichelt,
er mag es auch wenn man Ihn streichelt,
doch wag es einer Ihn zu necken, der lebe stehts in Angst und Schrecken,
mit Loewen lebt man so und so jedoch nicht ohne Risiko!
Ich spreche aus Erfahrung... 04/08/62
Congratulations, Estel, and also to your wife. You have a jewel indeed! I particularly like the name of Laurin; my own being Thomas Loren (Irish version).
May he bring you joy and happiness; and live a life full and satisfied.
Many congrats from me, Nob, Bob and the cat. When will he be old enough to drink scrumpy?
yup yup you are right master butterbur! Should I ready a bowl of ...huh... milk? for the little guy?
Congratulations Estel to you and your wife on the birth of your son. Now the trick is, get him asleep, pursuade your wife to sleep, and then get painting
Here's to a lack of sleep.
Congratulations on your new baby!
I think you'll find the aforementioned lack of sleep is a worthwhile sacrifice when the small moments of happy parenthood sneak up on you in surprising ways! The world certainly does become a different place! Viel Gluck!
Thank you all for your nice words!!!!!
Now let's have a drink in the Pony. Barliman surely has some good stuff in there to make a rest worth a stay. And the ony is a friendly place too!!
So is the Pony!
Master Estel, it's never too late to send a kind word ! thought of hope is coming again and again every new morning... as dew in the quiet morning! Next picture is dedicated to our kids as our next Mithril generation
... this is also picture to see Master Gildor
Last edited by Thingol (Fri, Aug28 2009 10:22pm)
Yes, Master Thingol, the morning with a baby is a magic moment.
Concerning your photo: I prefer my son being helpfull in winning auctions via internet instead of writing into threads where I cannot check, what he is writing
Beside that, a really nice baby. Nothing more cute and more magic in the whole world than those little precious ones!! They can make a softy out of the toughest guy, believe me that.
Meinen Glückwunsch!
And my best wishes for a healthy sleep for the kid...
Did they really allow you to name him Eleassar?
I believe you because of I'm sure for that.... Thanks for the compliments for my little baby girl for winning auctions.. who knows one day... now they must enjoy in life through fairy tales....
Have a good morning with your little precious
Axel wrote:
Meinen Glückwunsch!
And my best wishes for a healthy sleep for the kid...
Did they really allow you to name him Eleassar?
Danke für den Glückwunsch!!! and for the wishes having a healthy sleep of our baby. All Mummies and Daddies seem to be harassed by the same problems of having some kind of insomnia... Do Elves have the same problems? And dwarves? Ents surely have not.
Yes they allowed us to give him the names Estel Eleassar (my wife thought Eleassar being better than Elessar as language changes through the aeons of years )
Last edited by ESTEL (Sun, Aug30 2009 10:03am)
AHHH, Master Thingol, I see, there is not only mithril being our common passion. There are also these special fruits . . .
Nice. Its not easy to let such names slip under the wary eyes of the Standesamt :-)
For the rest: only "real" names and deviations of real names are allowed to be used, there is a ban on fantastic innovations or non-name-terms. The idea is to protect the kids from overenthusiastic parents, and given what some parents try to do to their kids this law is actually quite sensible.
Naturally Eleassar is not really a "real" name. Well, NOW it is and you can name your kid after the famous son of Estel :-)