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So, I've been staring at the bare metal Corsairs on my table for about a week, wondering how I shall knock them into shape for the contest. I'd like to do a little vignette of the deck of a ship, but I certainly don't have time for the whole vessel. I might try and do a little section of deck. TIME, TIME!!!!!
I thought these websights might be of interest to the patrons who are focused on all things swashbuckling...
Here's one that focuses on all things GW and New Line. I don't care for the movie representation of the corsair ships, but I like this guy's Umbar.
All I can say about this one is WOW!!! … galley.htm
Interesting essay...
Under the great minds think alike catagory, I too though of doing this and am also constrained by time. Either that or a beach background. For me, it's also deciding which 2 to paint.
I don't have any Corsairs yet. I will, eventually, but I doubt it will be in time for the competition unless something radical happens. (Any spare cash I do have is going to Imrahil!).
But that website is pretty awesome!
It's a race against time, but my Corsairs are almost painted - amazing what the chance of winning a freebie can do for the enthusiasm
I'm not mounting them on a ship, but take a look at the images I sent in on the thread for painted minis and you can see a couple of ships I'm working on. One for the Corsairs the other a Gondorian Warship.
The Venetian Galley is very similar to Heller's La Reale de France which you will see in one of the images. It is a beautiful model even if the instructions are S***e and the vac-form sails are even worse , however it is coming along niceley and the GF Corsair Admiral looks very much at home stood upon the 'bridge'.
Should I ever be able to get enough Corsairs to complement it then it will weigh a ton, plus (as a certain observant Ent noted) it will need a lot of oarsmen (but I think I can sort that!).
I was thinking about slave rowers as well. It seems impractical to use mithrils of any sort. I suppose you could modify and recast a great many M100 slaves and Laketown longboat crews. I was thinking of using Orion's 1:72 scale slave rowers from the Roman Sailor box. … orion.html
They'd be about 5-6mm too short compared to Mithrils, but they won't be side-by-side. Seated down on the rowing deck, the illusion may work!
I was going for the Lake-town oarsmen option myself, cast in resin they will be lighter in weight.
Seated Viking oarsmen are available from at least one figure manufacturer, though I have to be honest and concede that I can't remember which - is it Gripping Beast, perhaps?
At the moment I'm working on a new mould. I could work in one of the Lake-town oarsmen recast the guy a few times ready to be converted suitable for his new home (ship)! After whoever wants one ore more to convert, I could send these guys out to. After they are converted, you send them back and I produce a new mould with up to 9 minis (if we get 9 converted) and can produce a small oarsmen series, depending on how fast the ships has to be filled. If I use jewlery alloy the weight will be very low aswell and who wants plastic anyway?
For a run with say 200 minis in up to 9 different poses you would look at aprox AU$ 2,50 per mini. Create your own MMP
I'd be interested...
ok, we get it going.
I'll put the shovel guy M100 in the mould aswell. Nice bend back to cut in half and put on a sitting bottom.
Well master ent, you can contibute to this eighter with converting one or more of this guys, or with good ideas...
I love the idea of everyone coming up with their own conversions and then pooling the minis for production. I would be true to the Corsairs taking captives from many lands and chaining them to the oars! Count me in as well!
You are wellcome to give us a hand Master Presto. I had a think about these guys and was thinking, it might be very useful to cast these guys in more then 1 part. We could make the legs and bottom all the same and cast this part seperate from the top and the arms. The arms have to be seperate and I think we need two sets. One for the guys on the left side and one for the guys on the right side of the ship.
I'm really looking forward to all these conversions!
me too, hsf62 ... but what about those strange caps of the M130 guys ...and their passive pose?
the M100b is a very good idea, once it's been halved ... As I said I would like to take part in your plan ... your idea of casting about nine different versions for the oarsmen is brilliant ... I also do not like the idea of using any kind of that "plastic-stuff" for casting those figs. Your idea of that light metal is fine, I think.
Let's just do it!
That funny looking hat can be easily changed into cap similar to the one one of the Corsairs is wearing. It also can be changed into hair. If these two solutions don't appear to somone, the head can be chopped of completely and replaced with another head. M294's head is my faforite one.
5 Corsairs largely painted, but I am glad of the deadline extension...still have to take pictures, I hope they post all the entries. I enjoy seeing the work of others! Get those brushes out and good luck!
Corsairs finished, photgraphed and submitted! Images will be posted here soon. Anyone else entering?
They're in the Gallery Ken.
Yes, I've seen yours and very fine work indeed David! But are we the only ones? That is what I wanted to know. I suspect not and I also think there are many good painters out there. I doubt if Mithril will post anything but the winning entires. I'm interested in seeing the work of others.
I was lucky enough to have a chat with the man today at Salute and he said they seem to be selling well so hopefully a fair few should appear.
I'm more of a 'look at the overall effect' painter than a small scale painter (long gone are the days when I could paint a figures eyes at that scale) but I reckon some of the real miniature artists out there will come up with some painted 'gems' especially with the incentive of the Knights set.
I will finished my corsairs next week.
So we are three!
Great Zoetrop! And good luck! What about Wendy, Presto and Ori (and any others!)?