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Your job is like mine! I do Finance and contracts for a large utility company. Like you, I sometimes have trouble getting excited about it.
I much prefer my family, friends and hobbies. Pity that I need my job to actually give me the money to do all the things I like! :-)
.... it's really pity... Master Aragorn... but when I come home and when I escape to my own Middle-earth, everything goes better.... therefore we need continue to work... because we furthermore need the golden coins from Lonely Mountain to finance a hobby...
It looks like I'm the lucky one!
I did have 2 hobbies. Little metalfigures and timber.... that's why I became a master carpenter and cabinetmaker and in my spare time I play with little matalminiatures...
Last edited by hsf62 (Tue, Sep29 2009 9:49am)
You're quite the 'Dark-Horse' Master Thingol, your painted figures are always a nice surprise when they are posted.
Please keep them coming
If you post the pic of your minis that fast we really don't have to wait to long to see all of them within a short time.
I'm looking forward to it!
Nice!! Scary! I like it.
as always... remarkable!
And again a great job done Master Thingol!
I love this garden and all it's small visitors!
Yes I like your minis also, MAster Thingol. It is a great idea putting them in natural sorrounding. I love that garden too!
Once we would do one unexpected party in some garden my friends !!!! with lot's beer and juicy steaks
..... to long life full of opportunities .... cheers
Last edited by Thingol (Sun, Oct4 2009 4:57pm)
Nino - I'd love to go to Croatia and eat steak, drink beer, and paint lead beasties!
And your painted figures and lovely photos continue to provide inspiration.
... you are welcome George... my friend from San Diego will come with family probably next summer, so the "big briny marsh" is not a big obstacle... when you spare some mithril coins you could come.... on steak, beer and painting friendship...
These are among my very favorites of your Mithril pictures! The elves look so natural and fierce. Great!!
There are nice fogures you can call your own, honorable friend! The Archer of Mirkwood is there also . . .
Oh, how I love these woodelves . . .
I think I have to built a "Garden" in my backyard!
.... keep working and planing my master.... to be in garden is always nice choice to spend some free time...