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George, I like the idea the progress and the finished product very much.
You did a great job with this figure.
Thank you Holger. The wonderful conversions you do have actually inspired me to try these out. After seeing your M16, I know mine are very crude in comparison. But I like doing this. And I want to give people things to look at and have fun with.
Protozeus - very clever adaption of lyrics!
George.... I really like those last conversion... it looks like one old croatian legend.... guy named "Veli Jože" has "launch" venetian soldiers from one ancient city in my county... they are flying above the city walls.... little connection with this magnificent work.... keep doing this !!!!!
OriginalAragorn wrote:
Thank you Holger.
The wonderful conversions you do have actually inspired me to try these out. After seeing your M16, I know mine are very crude in comparison. But I like doing this. And I want to give people things to look at and have fun with.
Protozeus - very clever adaption of lyrics!
It's nice to hear that my work inspires you Master Aragorn, but so doe's your work and the work of all "converters" inspire me!
Don't put yourself down. Your work is not crude at all. You work to fine details also and it seems you can handle the green stuff quite well in comparison to me!
Keep on converting, I'm looking forward to your next conversion!
Last edited by hsf62 (Mon, Oct26 2009 8:00am)
Well, Goerge, I suppose I am still the only one who had said nothing to your conversions. At last - I will correct this: wonderful stuff, indeed.
Especially the stone giant I like very much. Have everybody noticed his nail colour ??!!
Last edited by (Mon, Oct26 2009 12:24pm)
Thanks Christoph! And yes, the nails are painted. Even Giants need to express themselves!
Moria Orc - Winter Gear:
I added a cape and boots.
This isn't my best paint job!
And I'm just learning how to handle the green stuff..
Just curious: Is their a reason why your orcs skin is this color?
Jason - The tone is "Dark Flesh," which is a GW paint. I always picture orcs with dark, reddish skin..
Just to be different, I guess..
I know it's usually grey or green for most painted orcs that I see.
Ok, just wanted to know because somewhere on MMP we had a discussion about orc skin color.
Keep up the good work there, George.