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Honourable mithril enthusiasts,
I am looking for pictures of Scatha. I only find dissatisfying examples.
Maybe you can help. Feel free posting some perspectives which are quiet unusual, to show some details . . .
Thanks in advance from
WOW- Master Theobald, thank you very much indeed for these many pics. That´s exactly what I am looking for.
By the way: that was also a very good occasion to elicit one of the very rare pictures of your painting-abilities,
which are very high, let me tell this.
You should think about sharing more paint-examples of yourself with this wonderful community!
Amazing, Master Theobald, very amazing. Especially the wings. Perfect gradients.
But not to forget the different colour-shades of the scurfs. I thing I like that the most.
And I know what I am talking about . . .
I don't know what Scurfs are, master Christoph! Are they related to scrumpy?
In any case, I agree with Christoph. This is brilliant, subtle painting! The scales look wonderful, the expressiveness of the eyes, face, etc. Great! You (and the rest of the gang as well) should post more of your fine stuff!!
There are only about 5-6 people that routinely post art, but I know there are more artists on the site than that.
Well, scurfs are the dragon´s skin, I suppose?! Tell me.
Impressive sight! (Oh my, I think I will hide my own painted stuff even further towards the bottom of my treasure chest.)
Oh, thanks for your generous compliments ... I just wanted to help Master a bit, as he asked for help.
As for you, Master Protozeus, there's no need to hide any of those beautiful figures anywhere.
Offline wrote:
Well, scurfs are the dragon´s skin, I suppose?!
Tell me.
scales it is called Master , but it really didn't matter, because everyone knew what you where talking about anyhow!
Christoph - I'm sorry if my response bothered you! I was just being sarcastic/stupid/juvenile, etc. Frankly, I was just fooling around.
I didn't mean to poke fun!
No need to be sorry, Master OA. Not at all. Everything is all right. Look at facebook . . .
And thank you dear friend Master Caster. I will put the word inside my vocabulary.
A wonderful, if rare glimpse of Master Theobalds painting skills which look very effective I must say. More if you please sir!
You must find some time to paint few miniatures. I would like to see your new painting work master tree... this Scatha in nice painted !
Master Ent, if you can't paint, I can't cast!
Please show us more!
Thank you all ... thank you very much.
As I have some time now watching the entries of this year's Christmas riddle I can spend some time on providing some more pics. Alas, you cannot know that I do like dragons sculpted by Master Tubb. So here are some more very old pics of the 'Cold Drake'. Again I tried to paint that beast according to the picture on the box.
and here you can see how light can cheat you ....
Nice painting work... I like this way of painting without big contrasts... it looks so naturally I have also this dragon, but painted in grey and soft blue colors....
These are grey and soft-blue colours ! ... except that bit of orange in the face, some yellow in the eyes ... you see, sun's cheating ... blue turns to appear green and grey gets some touch of metal ...
That's why I do not like to provide pics of my paintings here ... photography will never be able to show reality as I witness it ... well, then I'm a bad photographer, too ..
O yes, Master Theobald, I share your passion about Dragons sculpted by The MAN. This Cold Drake I like the most, I have to confess.
There is sooo much to paint . . . This Cold Drake was the first I have seen when I open the internet page of mithril a decade or more ago.
And it was the frist thing I have ordered there, in Ireland. Exciting that was, a decade or more ago . . .
Not to forget: nice painting job!
Well, and it was MB397 ... the cold drake of the withered heath ... he was the last figure before what I like to call "The dark ages of Mithril" began ... the Nightwatch was the last M-release then.
There were two boxed sets, one was Shelob's lair and the other was the cold drake ... then it ended .... rhuoommmm ... it took years before a new start was made with the releases of the limited LR-series ... new shape of the bases, new packages including painting-suggestions ... yes, I do remember well ... but what exactly is a decade?
Nice dragons are these, master ent.
Just like green leafs turn to yellow or even red colours, your paintings seem to share these effect.